Error: 2021-02-28 14:01:50.199 altool[10036:4332527] *** Error: Error uploading 'D:\ALPHA IT SOLUTIONS\!PROJECTS\iOS PROJECT\UIJ_iOS\UIJ_iOS\Objects\UIJ App.ipa'.
2021-02-28 14:01:50.212 altool[10036:4332527] *** Error: code 1190 (App Store operation failed. No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier ‘’ is correct.)
What's the meaning of this error? And what should I do?
2021-02-28 14:01:50.212 altool[10036:4332527] *** Error: code 1190 (App Store operation failed. No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier ‘’ is correct.)
What's the meaning of this error? And what should I do?