B4R Tutorial ESP32 Camera Picture Capture and Video Streaming! (Updated with code!)


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Interesting. I have not looked at the code in ages but I wonder if setting all the unused pins to outputs would help. Might try and experiment tonight with that or look at a hardware mod.

I had good frame rates but eventually it would always lock up after 5 minutes to 60 minutes and I would need to reboot the esp32. I was using 5 volt power.


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Hello Miker2069

Thank you for your efforts in converting the Arduino esp32-cam to B4R. I uploaded the application, and it works perfectly in gray, but once I comment "s->set_special_effect(s, 2); //grayscale," the application crashes. Any help to solve this problem? I am using the AI Thinker board.

Thank you


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Has anyone run into this compile error?

\Objects\src\b4r_esp32cam.cpp:25:10: fatal error: fd_forward.h: No such file or directory
25 | #include "fd_forward.h"
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