B4R Question ESP32 Support?


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Longtime User
I did some projects with my ESP8266. I'm going to buy a ESP32, but as I can see, the ESP32 is "somehow" supported. Problem here is that I have no idea how to update the Arduino SDK (all links of the most threads about it are broken). Or does the newest version of Arduino come with the ESP32 support automatically?

Another question: Does B4R support all functions of a ESP32 as for the ESP8266? There are some threads but not a summary (as far I can see).


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The instructions referenced above by Erel are not the preferred way to install ESP32 support in Arduino IDE.
See the Board Manager section available here:

I suggest you follow the instructions available here:

If you’ve followed the older installation procedure and you’ve manually installed the ESP32 add-on with Git GUI, you need to remove the espressif folder from your Arduino IDE. The instructions above explain how to do that.

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