B4R Question ESP8266/ESP32: first install


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all,
I've just opened the box containing my ESP8266 and ESP32 chips, ordered on Amazon and read the Getting Started tutorial.
On step 3, I'm supposed to select the proper board in B4R, but..which is the proper board?
I can see (among the others):
  • Generic ESP8266 Module
  • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP12-e module)
  • ESP32 Dev Module
Label on ESP8266 module reads: Model ESP12-e / Vendor DOITING /15M / 2.4GHZ
Label on ESP32 reads: Az-Delivery / ESP32-WROOM-32 / BT 4.2(BR/EDR/BLE)

Something tells me to select the NodeMCU option, but a bit of caution suggests me to ask here before my next move.

BTW, this is just the first of many questions, since I know nothing about the subject. Don't panic, I usually read everything is available before posting for help..



Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you both.
So, for ESP8266 I could use "Generic ESP8266" or "NodeMCU 1.0", while for ESP32 is confirmed the option "ESP32 Dev Module" ?
I'm glad I spotted the right three options on my first attempt .. let's see if I'm again so lucky with the next step..ehehe
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