Hi, I am trying to use the Library in this post ...
I cannot figure out how he defined the Chip Select Pin.
In this line of code he has "10" for the csPin ?
mcp.Initialize(10, mcp.POT_0, mcp.RES8BIT, mcp.POTENTIOMETER)
Initialize(csPin As Byte, pot As B4R:
ot, res As B4R::Resolution, config As B4R::WiperConfiguration)
As B4R::void
The Standard Pins for Wemos D1 Mini are D8-SS, D7-MOSI, D6-MISO, and D5-SCK.
The defines above are from the Wemos D1 mini PCB. (I am sure everyone knows this !)
I looked thru the code and h files, but I am not sure where pin defines get pulled from or defined.
Any help would be appreciated. I am new to this but I did get a DHT11 working with I2C and a few of the Wifi examples as well. Thanks !