I want to listening some events of exoplayer or exoplayerview ,and i saw a lot of events in the website(https://exoplayer.dev/listening-to-player-events.html)
I saw three events in the Example(Player_Ready,Player_Error,Player_Complete)
,but i don't know how to use others(I even don't know their names), if there an event named "OnBufferUpdateListener" of ExoPlayer or ExoPlayerView.
My purpose is when the subtitle changed i get the video Position.
Additional SimpleExoPlayer listeners
When using SimpleExoPlayer, additional listeners can be registered with the player.
I saw three events in the Example(Player_Ready,Player_Error,Player_Complete)
,but i don't know how to use others(I even don't know their names), if there an event named "OnBufferUpdateListener" of ExoPlayer or ExoPlayerView.
My purpose is when the subtitle changed i get the video Position.
Additional SimpleExoPlayer listeners
When using SimpleExoPlayer, additional listeners can be registered with the player.
- addAnalyticsListener: Listen to detailed events that may be useful for analytics and reporting purposes.
- addVideoListener: Listen to events related to video rendering that may be useful for adjusting the UI (e.g., the aspect ratio of the Surface onto which video is being rendered).
- addAudioListener: Listen to events related to audio, such as when an audio session ID is set, and when the player volume is changed.
- addTextOutput: Listen to changes in the subtitle or caption cues.
- addMetadataOutput: Listen to timed metadata events, such as timed ID3 and EMSG data.