On this forum I found one suitable option, but it does not work correctly. Returns the time zone instead of the real time.
Maybe there are such solutions to get the exact time from the NTP server, with an accuracy of 1/100-1/1000 seconds? Using separate similar applications for Android, I noticed that there the difference between the exact NTP time and the system time changes very much in time. If you do a check every 5 seconds, the difference is 200-500 milliseconds, is this normal? Is it possible to get the exact time in milliseconds?
SPSntp - getting time from the internet:
Dim sntp As SntpTime
Dim ticks As Long
sntp.NtpServerName = "0.de.pool.ntp.org" ' only needed if you don't want to use the default server "0.us.pool.ntp.org"
sntp.TimeOut = 10000 ' only needed if you don't want to use the default timeout value of 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds)
ticks = sntp.getGmtNtpTime
Msgbox(ticks, "GMT Result in Ticks")
Msgbox(DateTime.Date(ticks), "GMT Date")
Msgbox(DateTime.Time(ticks), "GMT Time")
Msgbox(DateTime.Time(sntp.NtpTimeReference), "NtpTimeReference")
Msgbox(sntp.RoundTripTime, "RoundTripTime")