#Region TreeView
Private Sub DriveList
'List all PC drives and add them to the CLV
Dim mDrive As String
Dim fsv As JavaObject
For Each drive As Object In ListRoots
mDrive = fsv.RunMethodJO("getFileSystemView",Null).RunMethod("getSystemDisplayName",Array(drive)) 'Get Drive Name
clvDrive.Add(ItemDrive(clvDrive.AsView.Width,mDrive),drive) 'add Item
End Sub
Sub ListRoots As List
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim o() As Object = jo.InitializeStatic("java.io.File").RunMethod("listRoots", Null)
Return o
End Sub
Private Sub ItemDrive(Width As Int, s As String) As Pane
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
Dim height As Int = 20dip
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, Width, height)
p.Color = xui.Color_Transparent
lblDrive.Text = s
Return p
End Sub
Private Sub clvDrive_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
CurrentDrive = Value
LoadTreeview(Value)'drive selected
End Sub
Private Sub LoadTreeview(mDrive As String)
rootdir = mDrive
lblTreeviewPath.text = rootdir
lblTreeviewPath.TooltipText = rootdir
Private FolderImage As Image
FolderImage = fx.LoadImage(File.DirAssets, "folderico.png")
AddFolder(TreeView1.Root, mDrive, FolderImage)
End Sub
Sub AddFolder(Parent As TreeTableItem, Folder As String, img As Image)
CurrentPath = Folder
'first item to go back
Dim ti As TreeItem
ti.Image = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"folderback.png")
'All Item
For Each f As String In File.ListFiles(Folder)
Dim ti As TreeItem
Dim Name As String = f
ti.Initialize("ti", Name)
If File.IsDirectory(Folder, f) Then
ti.Expanded = False
ti.Image = img
'File - Only shows files with the extension
Dim extension As String = ti.text
extension = extension.SubString(extension.LastIndexOf(".") )
If extension = ".wav" Or extension = ".mp3" Or extension = ".ogg" Or extension = ".flac" Then
ti.Image = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets,"soundICO.png",16,16,True)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TreeView1_SelectedItemChanged (SelectedItem As TreeItem)
If SelectedItem.IsInitialized = False Then Return
Dim ti As TreeItem = SelectedItem
If SelectedItem.Text = "..." Then 'First item clicked - go back
' Log("here"&CurrentPath)
If CurrentPath = CurrentDrive Then Return
CurrentPath = CurrentPath.SubString2(0, CurrentPath.LastIndexOf("\"))
If CurrentPath.Contains("\") = False Then CurrentPath = CurrentPath & "\"
Else If File.IsDirectory(rootdir, ti.Text) = True Then 'If it is a folder on list of subfolders
CurrentPath = CurrentPath&"\"&SelectedItem.text
CurrentPath = CurrentPath.Replace("\\","\")
' Log(CurrentPath)
LoadTreeview(CurrentPath)'list of subfolders
'Let's test the file extension to figure out if its an image
Dim extension As String = ti.text
extension = extension.SubString(extension.LastIndexOf(".") )
Select extension
Case ".wav", ".mp3",".ogg",".flac"
CurrentFile = ti.text 'FileName
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TreeView1_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
If EventData.PrimaryButtonPressed =True Then
'Leftmouse clicked
If File.IsDirectory(CurrentPath, CurrentFile) = False Then' Return
'Save the current Path
File.WriteString(File.DirApp, "path.txt", CurrentPath)
'Convert the file to load it into AudioClip
'Preview selected sound
End If
End If
If EventData.SecondaryButtonPressed =True Then
'Rightmouse clicked
If File.IsDirectory(CurrentPath, CurrentFile) Then Return
'Load context menu if it's a sound file only
Dim CMJO As JavaObject = CtMenu
Dim XOffset As Double = -TreeView1.Width + EventData.X
Dim YOffset As Double = EventData.Y
End If
End Sub
'Right Click mouse - ContextMenu Choice
Sub MI_Action
Dim MItem As MenuItem = Sender
If MItem.Text.Contains("Beatmaker") Then
Log("beatMaker : "&CurrentPath&"---"&CurrentFile)
End If
If MItem.Text.Contains("track") Then
Log("pianoroll : "&CurrentPath&"---"&CurrentFile)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblTreeviewPath_MousePressed (EventData As MouseEvent)
End Sub
#End Region