Android Question ExoPlayer-ID3 metadata how to get data


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This is a continuation of this thread:
This is the code that Erel put:
Sub Player_TrackChanged
   Dim jo As JavaObject = player1
   Dim TrackGroups As JavaObject = jo.GetFieldJO("player").RunMethod("getCurrentTrackGroups", Null)
   For i = 0 To TrackGroups.GetField("length") - 1
       Dim TrackGroup As JavaObject = TrackGroups.RunMethod("get", Array(i))
       For j = 0 To TrackGroup.GetField("length") - 1
           Dim Format As JavaObject = TrackGroup.RunMethodJO("getFormat", Array(j))
           Dim Metadata As JavaObject = Format.GetField("metadata")
           If Metadata.IsInitialized Then
               Log("Found: " & Metadata)
           End If
End Sub
How to dive deeper to get the information you need? It seems that the information you need is in these classes. How to get them.?


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No problem sharing the code, I leeched/learned a lot from this forum (thank you all).

Just put the .php file in the folder of choice and call it like I posted.



    1.2 KB · Views: 434
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Are you able to get the Artist name and Song title with OKhttp? If so, how? Here in Holland about 70% of the radio stations provide the ID3 Artist and Song meta data.
Unfortunately, this requires a lot of work and separate treatment of each radio station. For example, the Polish RMF-FM radio group contains 96 different radio stations (streams). I analyzed their web server and now I can download resources that interest me.
'the sub is called by the timer every 10s. The resource address is different from the stream address, which should be downloaded from the radio website.
Sub widok
    Dim j As HttpJob
    j.Initialize("", Me)
    j.Download("")'RMF lady pank

    Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
    If j.Success Then
    Log("POKAŻ ZAWARTOŚĆ"&j.GetString)

'    ******************* zasoby rmf lady pank**********************************
    Dim parser As JSONParser
    Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
    Dim radio As Map = root.Get("radio30")
    Dim id_plyta As String = radio.Get("id_plyta")
    Dim artist As String = radio.Get("artist")
    Dim duza_biografia As String = radio.Get("duza_biografia")
    Dim id_autor As String = radio.Get("id_autor")
    Dim rok As String = radio.Get("rok")
    Dim coverBigUrl As String = radio.Get("coverBigUrl")
    Log("tu obraz"&coverBigUrl)
    Dim cover As String = radio.Get("cover")
    Dim txt As String = radio.Get("txt")
    Dim plyta As String = radio.Get("plyta")
    Dim name As String = radio.Get("name")
    Dim id_utwor As String = radio.Get("id_utwor")
    Dim utwor As String = radio.Get("utwor")
    Dim radio46 As Map = root.Get("radio46")
end if
     If coverBigUrl= "" Then
        Log("brak adresu obrazu płyty")
        Dim j As HttpJob
        j.Initialize("", Me)
        Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
        If j.Success  Then
            ImageView1.Bitmap = j.GetBitmap
            Log("Error: " & J.ErrorMessage)
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Now, changing only the resource address, I can download it for another stream. Unfortunately, this only works for this radio group. To download another radio group I have to build everything from scratch.
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In my case, I only have four such groups, in the case of more, it just doesn't make sense. This data is somewhere here, you just need to decode it, I found this code in java.
 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import android.util.Log;


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

 * Decodes ID3 tags.
public final class Id3Decoder implements MetadataDecoder {

   * A predicate for determining whether individual frames should be decoded.
  public interface FramePredicate {

     * Returns whether a frame with the specified parameters should be decoded.
     * @param majorVersion The major version of the ID3 tag.
     * @param id0 The first byte of the frame ID.
     * @param id1 The second byte of the frame ID.
     * @param id2 The third byte of the frame ID.
     * @param id3 The fourth byte of the frame ID.
     * @return Whether the frame should be decoded.
    boolean evaluate(int majorVersion, int id0, int id1, int id2, int id3);


  private static final String TAG = "Id3Decoder";

   * The first three bytes of a well formed ID3 tag header.
  public static final int ID3_TAG = Util.getIntegerCodeForString("ID3");
   * Length of an ID3 tag header.
  public static final int ID3_HEADER_LENGTH = 10;

  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V3_IS_COMPRESSED = 0x0080;
  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V3_IS_ENCRYPTED = 0x0040;
  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V3_HAS_GROUP_IDENTIFIER = 0x0020;
  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V4_IS_COMPRESSED = 0x0008;
  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V4_IS_ENCRYPTED = 0x0004;
  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V4_HAS_GROUP_IDENTIFIER = 0x0040;
  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V4_IS_UNSYNCHRONIZED = 0x0002;
  private static final int FRAME_FLAG_V4_HAS_DATA_LENGTH = 0x0001;

  private static final int ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1 = 0;
  private static final int ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_16 = 1;
  private static final int ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_16BE = 2;
  private static final int ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_8 = 3;

  private final FramePredicate framePredicate;

  public Id3Decoder() {

   * @param framePredicate Determines which frames are decoded. May be null to decode all frames.
  public Id3Decoder(FramePredicate framePredicate) {
    this.framePredicate = framePredicate;

  public Metadata decode(MetadataInputBuffer inputBuffer) {
    ByteBuffer buffer =;
    return decode(buffer.array(), buffer.limit());

   * Decodes ID3 tags.
   * @param data The bytes to decode ID3 tags from.
   * @param size Amount of bytes in {@code data} to read.
   * @return A {@link Metadata} object containing the decoded ID3 tags.
  public Metadata decode(byte[] data, int size) {
    List<Id3Frame> id3Frames = new ArrayList<>();
    ParsableByteArray id3Data = new ParsableByteArray(data, size);

    Id3Header id3Header = decodeHeader(id3Data);
    if (id3Header == null) {
      return null;

    int startPosition = id3Data.getPosition();
    int frameHeaderSize = id3Header.majorVersion == 2 ? 6 : 10;
    int framesSize = id3Header.framesSize;
    if (id3Header.isUnsynchronized) {
      framesSize = removeUnsynchronization(id3Data, id3Header.framesSize);
    id3Data.setLimit(startPosition + framesSize);

    boolean unsignedIntFrameSizeHack = false;
    if (!validateFrames(id3Data, id3Header.majorVersion, frameHeaderSize, false)) {
      if (id3Header.majorVersion == 4 && validateFrames(id3Data, 4, frameHeaderSize, true)) {
        unsignedIntFrameSizeHack = true;
      } else {
        Log.w(TAG, "Failed to validate ID3 tag with majorVersion=" + id3Header.majorVersion);
        return null;

    while (id3Data.bytesLeft() >= frameHeaderSize) {
      Id3Frame frame = decodeFrame(id3Header.majorVersion, id3Data, unsignedIntFrameSizeHack,
          frameHeaderSize, framePredicate);
      if (frame != null) {

    return new Metadata(id3Frames);

   * @param data A {@link ParsableByteArray} from which the header should be read.
   * @return The parsed header, or null if the ID3 tag is unsupported.
  private static Id3Header decodeHeader(ParsableByteArray data) {
    if (data.bytesLeft() < ID3_HEADER_LENGTH) {
      Log.w(TAG, "Data too short to be an ID3 tag");
      return null;

    int id = data.readUnsignedInt24();
    if (id != ID3_TAG) {
      Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected first three bytes of ID3 tag header: " + id);
      return null;

    int majorVersion = data.readUnsignedByte();
    data.skipBytes(1); // Skip minor version.
    int flags = data.readUnsignedByte();
    int framesSize = data.readSynchSafeInt();

    if (majorVersion == 2) {
      boolean isCompressed = (flags & 0x40) != 0;
      if (isCompressed) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Skipped ID3 tag with majorVersion=2 and undefined compression scheme");
        return null;
    } else if (majorVersion == 3) {
      boolean hasExtendedHeader = (flags & 0x40) != 0;
      if (hasExtendedHeader) {
        int extendedHeaderSize = data.readInt(); // Size excluding size field.
        framesSize -= (extendedHeaderSize + 4);
    } else if (majorVersion == 4) {
      boolean hasExtendedHeader = (flags & 0x40) != 0;
      if (hasExtendedHeader) {
        int extendedHeaderSize = data.readSynchSafeInt(); // Size including size field.
        data.skipBytes(extendedHeaderSize - 4);
        framesSize -= extendedHeaderSize;
      boolean hasFooter = (flags & 0x10) != 0;
      if (hasFooter) {
        framesSize -= 10;
    } else {
      Log.w(TAG, "Skipped ID3 tag with unsupported majorVersion=" + majorVersion);
      return null;

    // isUnsynchronized is advisory only in version 4. Frame level flags are used instead.
    boolean isUnsynchronized = majorVersion < 4 && (flags & 0x80) != 0;
    return new Id3Header(majorVersion, isUnsynchronized, framesSize);

  private static boolean validateFrames(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int majorVersion,
      int frameHeaderSize, boolean unsignedIntFrameSizeHack) {
    int startPosition = id3Data.getPosition();
    try {
      while (id3Data.bytesLeft() >= frameHeaderSize) {
        // Read the next frame header.
        int id;
        long frameSize;
        int flags;
        if (majorVersion >= 3) {
          id = id3Data.readInt();
          frameSize = id3Data.readUnsignedInt();
          flags = id3Data.readUnsignedShort();
        } else {
          id = id3Data.readUnsignedInt24();
          frameSize = id3Data.readUnsignedInt24();
          flags = 0;
        // Validate the frame header and skip to the next one.
        if (id == 0 && frameSize == 0 && flags == 0) {
          // We've reached zero padding after the end of the final frame.
          return true;
        } else {
          if (majorVersion == 4 && !unsignedIntFrameSizeHack) {
            // Parse the data size as a synchsafe integer, as per the spec.
            if ((frameSize & 0x808080L) != 0) {
              return false;
            frameSize = (frameSize & 0xFF) | (((frameSize >> 8) & 0xFF) << 7)
                | (((frameSize >> 16) & 0xFF) << 14) | (((frameSize >> 24) & 0xFF) << 21);
          boolean hasGroupIdentifier = false;
          boolean hasDataLength = false;
          if (majorVersion == 4) {
            hasGroupIdentifier = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V4_HAS_GROUP_IDENTIFIER) != 0;
            hasDataLength = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V4_HAS_DATA_LENGTH) != 0;
          } else if (majorVersion == 3) {
            hasGroupIdentifier = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V3_HAS_GROUP_IDENTIFIER) != 0;
            // A V3 frame has data length if and only if it's compressed.
            hasDataLength = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V3_IS_COMPRESSED) != 0;
          int minimumFrameSize = 0;
          if (hasGroupIdentifier) {
          if (hasDataLength) {
            minimumFrameSize += 4;
          if (frameSize < minimumFrameSize) {
            return false;
          if (id3Data.bytesLeft() < frameSize) {
            return false;
          id3Data.skipBytes((int) frameSize); // flags
      return true;
    } finally {

  private static Id3Frame decodeFrame(int majorVersion, ParsableByteArray id3Data,
      boolean unsignedIntFrameSizeHack, int frameHeaderSize, FramePredicate framePredicate) {
    int frameId0 = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    int frameId1 = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    int frameId2 = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    int frameId3 = majorVersion >= 3 ? id3Data.readUnsignedByte() : 0;

    int frameSize;
    if (majorVersion == 4) {
      frameSize = id3Data.readUnsignedIntToInt();
      if (!unsignedIntFrameSizeHack) {
        frameSize = (frameSize & 0xFF) | (((frameSize >> 8) & 0xFF) << 7)
            | (((frameSize >> 16) & 0xFF) << 14) | (((frameSize >> 24) & 0xFF) << 21);
    } else if (majorVersion == 3) {
      frameSize = id3Data.readUnsignedIntToInt();
    } else /* id3Header.majorVersion == 2 */ {
      frameSize = id3Data.readUnsignedInt24();

    int flags = majorVersion >= 3 ? id3Data.readUnsignedShort() : 0;
    if (frameId0 == 0 && frameId1 == 0 && frameId2 == 0 && frameId3 == 0 && frameSize == 0
        && flags == 0) {
      // We must be reading zero padding at the end of the tag.
      return null;

    int nextFramePosition = id3Data.getPosition() + frameSize;
    if (nextFramePosition > id3Data.limit()) {
      Log.w(TAG, "Frame size exceeds remaining tag data");
      return null;

    if (framePredicate != null
        && !framePredicate.evaluate(majorVersion, frameId0, frameId1, frameId2, frameId3)) {
      // Filtered by the predicate.
      return null;

    // Frame flags.
    boolean isCompressed = false;
    boolean isEncrypted = false;
    boolean isUnsynchronized = false;
    boolean hasDataLength = false;
    boolean hasGroupIdentifier = false;
    if (majorVersion == 3) {
      isCompressed = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V3_IS_COMPRESSED) != 0;
      isEncrypted = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V3_IS_ENCRYPTED) != 0;
      hasGroupIdentifier = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V3_HAS_GROUP_IDENTIFIER) != 0;
      // A V3 frame has data length if and only if it's compressed.
      hasDataLength = isCompressed;
    } else if (majorVersion == 4) {
      hasGroupIdentifier = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V4_HAS_GROUP_IDENTIFIER) != 0;
      isCompressed = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V4_IS_COMPRESSED) != 0;
      isEncrypted = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V4_IS_ENCRYPTED) != 0;
      isUnsynchronized = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V4_IS_UNSYNCHRONIZED) != 0;
      hasDataLength = (flags & FRAME_FLAG_V4_HAS_DATA_LENGTH) != 0;

    if (isCompressed || isEncrypted) {
      Log.w(TAG, "Skipping unsupported compressed or encrypted frame");
      return null;

    if (hasGroupIdentifier) {
    if (hasDataLength) {
      frameSize -= 4;
    if (isUnsynchronized) {
      frameSize = removeUnsynchronization(id3Data, frameSize);

    try {
      Id3Frame frame;
      if (frameId0 == 'T' && frameId1 == 'X' && frameId2 == 'X'
          && (majorVersion == 2 || frameId3 == 'X')) {
        frame = decodeTxxxFrame(id3Data, frameSize);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'T') {
        String id = getFrameId(majorVersion, frameId0, frameId1, frameId2, frameId3);
        frame = decodeTextInformationFrame(id3Data, frameSize, id);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'W' && frameId1 == 'X' && frameId2 == 'X'
          && (majorVersion == 2 || frameId3 == 'X')) {
        frame = decodeWxxxFrame(id3Data, frameSize);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'W') {
        String id = getFrameId(majorVersion, frameId0, frameId1, frameId2, frameId3);
        frame = decodeUrlLinkFrame(id3Data, frameSize, id);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'P' && frameId1 == 'R' && frameId2 == 'I' && frameId3 == 'V') {
        frame = decodePrivFrame(id3Data, frameSize);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'G' && frameId1 == 'E' && frameId2 == 'O'
          && (frameId3 == 'B' || majorVersion == 2)) {
        frame = decodeGeobFrame(id3Data, frameSize);
      } else if (majorVersion == 2 ? (frameId0 == 'P' && frameId1 == 'I' && frameId2 == 'C')
          : (frameId0 == 'A' && frameId1 == 'P' && frameId2 == 'I' && frameId3 == 'C')) {
        frame = decodeApicFrame(id3Data, frameSize, majorVersion);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'C' && frameId1 == 'O' && frameId2 == 'M'
          && (frameId3 == 'M' || majorVersion == 2)) {
        frame = decodeCommentFrame(id3Data, frameSize);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'C' && frameId1 == 'H' && frameId2 == 'A' && frameId3 == 'P') {
        frame = decodeChapterFrame(id3Data, frameSize, majorVersion, unsignedIntFrameSizeHack,
            frameHeaderSize, framePredicate);
      } else if (frameId0 == 'C' && frameId1 == 'T' && frameId2 == 'O' && frameId3 == 'C') {
        frame = decodeChapterTOCFrame(id3Data, frameSize, majorVersion, unsignedIntFrameSizeHack,
            frameHeaderSize, framePredicate);
      } else {
        String id = getFrameId(majorVersion, frameId0, frameId1, frameId2, frameId3);
        frame = decodeBinaryFrame(id3Data, frameSize, id);
      if (frame == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Failed to decode frame: id="
            + getFrameId(majorVersion, frameId0, frameId1, frameId2, frameId3) + ", frameSize="
            + frameSize);
      return frame;
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported character encoding");
      return null;
    } finally {

  private static TextInformationFrame decodeTxxxFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    if (frameSize < 1) {
      // Frame is malformed.
      return null;

    int encoding = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    String charset = getCharsetName(encoding);

    byte[] data = new byte[frameSize - 1];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize - 1);

    int descriptionEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, 0, encoding);
    String description = new String(data, 0, descriptionEndIndex, charset);

    String value;
    int valueStartIndex = descriptionEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding);
    if (valueStartIndex < data.length) {
      int valueEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, valueStartIndex, encoding);
      value = new String(data, valueStartIndex, valueEndIndex - valueStartIndex, charset);
    } else {
      value = "";

    return new TextInformationFrame("TXXX", description, value);

  private static TextInformationFrame decodeTextInformationFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data,
      int frameSize, String id) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    if (frameSize < 1) {
      // Frame is malformed.
      return null;

    int encoding = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    String charset = getCharsetName(encoding);

    byte[] data = new byte[frameSize - 1];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize - 1);

    int valueEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, 0, encoding);
    String value = new String(data, 0, valueEndIndex, charset);

    return new TextInformationFrame(id, null, value);

  private static UrlLinkFrame decodeWxxxFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    if (frameSize < 1) {
      // Frame is malformed.
      return null;

    int encoding = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    String charset = getCharsetName(encoding);

    byte[] data = new byte[frameSize - 1];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize - 1);

    int descriptionEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, 0, encoding);
    String description = new String(data, 0, descriptionEndIndex, charset);

    String url;
    int urlStartIndex = descriptionEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding);
    if (urlStartIndex < data.length) {
      int urlEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(data, urlStartIndex);
      url = new String(data, urlStartIndex, urlEndIndex - urlStartIndex, "ISO-8859-1");
    } else {
      url = "";

    return new UrlLinkFrame("WXXX", description, url);

  private static UrlLinkFrame decodeUrlLinkFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize,
      String id) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    byte[] data = new byte[frameSize];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize);

    int urlEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(data, 0);
    String url = new String(data, 0, urlEndIndex, "ISO-8859-1");

    return new UrlLinkFrame(id, null, url);

  private static PrivFrame decodePrivFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    byte[] data = new byte[frameSize];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize);

    int ownerEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(data, 0);
    String owner = new String(data, 0, ownerEndIndex, "ISO-8859-1");

    byte[] privateData;
    int privateDataStartIndex = ownerEndIndex + 1;
    if (privateDataStartIndex < data.length) {
      privateData = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, privateDataStartIndex, data.length);
    } else {
      privateData = new byte[0];

    return new PrivFrame(owner, privateData);

  private static GeobFrame decodeGeobFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    int encoding = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    String charset = getCharsetName(encoding);

    byte[] data = new byte[frameSize - 1];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize - 1);

    int mimeTypeEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(data, 0);
    String mimeType = new String(data, 0, mimeTypeEndIndex, "ISO-8859-1");

    int filenameStartIndex = mimeTypeEndIndex + 1;
    int filenameEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, filenameStartIndex, encoding);
    String filename = new String(data, filenameStartIndex, filenameEndIndex - filenameStartIndex,

    int descriptionStartIndex = filenameEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding);
    int descriptionEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, descriptionStartIndex, encoding);
    String description = new String(data, descriptionStartIndex,
        descriptionEndIndex - descriptionStartIndex, charset);

    int objectDataStartIndex = descriptionEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding);
    byte[] objectData = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, objectDataStartIndex, data.length);

    return new GeobFrame(mimeType, filename, description, objectData);

  private static ApicFrame decodeApicFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize,
      int majorVersion) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    int encoding = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    String charset = getCharsetName(encoding);

    byte[] data = new byte[frameSize - 1];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize - 1);

    String mimeType;
    int mimeTypeEndIndex;
    if (majorVersion == 2) {
      mimeTypeEndIndex = 2;
      mimeType = "image/" + Util.toLowerInvariant(new String(data, 0, 3, "ISO-8859-1"));
      if (mimeType.equals("image/jpg")) {
        mimeType = "image/jpeg";
    } else {
      mimeTypeEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(data, 0);
      mimeType = Util.toLowerInvariant(new String(data, 0, mimeTypeEndIndex, "ISO-8859-1"));
      if (mimeType.indexOf('/') == -1) {
        mimeType = "image/" + mimeType;

    int pictureType = data[mimeTypeEndIndex + 1] & 0xFF;

    int descriptionStartIndex = mimeTypeEndIndex + 2;
    int descriptionEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, descriptionStartIndex, encoding);
    String description = new String(data, descriptionStartIndex,
        descriptionEndIndex - descriptionStartIndex, charset);

    int pictureDataStartIndex = descriptionEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding);
    byte[] pictureData = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, pictureDataStartIndex, data.length);

    return new ApicFrame(mimeType, description, pictureType, pictureData);

  private static CommentFrame decodeCommentFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    if (frameSize < 4) {
      // Frame is malformed.
      return null;

    int encoding = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    String charset = getCharsetName(encoding);

    byte[] data = new byte[3];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, 3);
    String language = new String(data, 0, 3);

    data = new byte[frameSize - 4];
    id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize - 4);

    int descriptionEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, 0, encoding);
    String description = new String(data, 0, descriptionEndIndex, charset);

    String text;
    int textStartIndex = descriptionEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding);
    if (textStartIndex < data.length) {
      int textEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, textStartIndex, encoding);
      text = new String(data, textStartIndex, textEndIndex - textStartIndex, charset);
    } else {
      text = "";

    return new CommentFrame(language, description, text);

  private static ChapterFrame decodeChapterFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize,
      int majorVersion, boolean unsignedIntFrameSizeHack, int frameHeaderSize,
      FramePredicate framePredicate) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    int framePosition = id3Data.getPosition();
    int chapterIdEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(, framePosition);
    String chapterId = new String(, framePosition, chapterIdEndIndex - framePosition,
    id3Data.setPosition(chapterIdEndIndex + 1);

    int startTime = id3Data.readInt();
    int endTime = id3Data.readInt();
    long startOffset = id3Data.readUnsignedInt();
    if (startOffset == 0xFFFFFFFFL) {
      startOffset = C.POSITION_UNSET;
    long endOffset = id3Data.readUnsignedInt();
    if (endOffset == 0xFFFFFFFFL) {
      endOffset = C.POSITION_UNSET;

    ArrayList<Id3Frame> subFrames = new ArrayList<>();
    int limit = framePosition + frameSize;
    while (id3Data.getPosition() < limit) {
      Id3Frame frame = decodeFrame(majorVersion, id3Data, unsignedIntFrameSizeHack,
          frameHeaderSize, framePredicate);
      if (frame != null) {

    Id3Frame[] subFrameArray = new Id3Frame[subFrames.size()];
    return new ChapterFrame(chapterId, startTime, endTime, startOffset, endOffset, subFrameArray);

  private static ChapterTocFrame decodeChapterTOCFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize,
      int majorVersion, boolean unsignedIntFrameSizeHack, int frameHeaderSize,
      FramePredicate framePredicate) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    int framePosition = id3Data.getPosition();
    int elementIdEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(, framePosition);
    String elementId = new String(, framePosition, elementIdEndIndex - framePosition,
    id3Data.setPosition(elementIdEndIndex + 1);

    int ctocFlags = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    boolean isRoot = (ctocFlags & 0x0002) != 0;
    boolean isOrdered = (ctocFlags & 0x0001) != 0;

    int childCount = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
    String[] children = new String[childCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
      int startIndex = id3Data.getPosition();
      int endIndex = indexOfZeroByte(, startIndex);
      children[i] = new String(, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex, "ISO-8859-1");
      id3Data.setPosition(endIndex + 1);

    ArrayList<Id3Frame> subFrames = new ArrayList<>();
    int limit = framePosition + frameSize;
    while (id3Data.getPosition() < limit) {
      Id3Frame frame = decodeFrame(majorVersion, id3Data, unsignedIntFrameSizeHack,
          frameHeaderSize, framePredicate);
      if (frame != null) {

    Id3Frame[] subFrameArray = new Id3Frame[subFrames.size()];
    return new ChapterTocFrame(elementId, isRoot, isOrdered, children, subFrameArray);

  private static BinaryFrame decodeBinaryFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize,
      String id) {
    byte[] frame = new byte[frameSize];
    id3Data.readBytes(frame, 0, frameSize);

    return new BinaryFrame(id, frame);

   * Performs in-place removal of unsynchronization for {@code length} bytes starting from
   * {@link ParsableByteArray#getPosition()}
   * @param data Contains the data to be processed.
   * @param length The length of the data to be processed.
   * @return The length of the data after processing.
  private static int removeUnsynchronization(ParsableByteArray data, int length) {
    byte[] bytes =;
    for (int i = data.getPosition(); i + 1 < length; i++) {
      if ((bytes[i] & 0xFF) == 0xFF && bytes[i + 1] == 0x00) {
        System.arraycopy(bytes, i + 2, bytes, i + 1, length - i - 2);
    return length;

   * Maps encoding byte from ID3v2 frame to a Charset.
   * @param encodingByte The value of encoding byte from ID3v2 frame.
   * @return Charset name.
  private static String getCharsetName(int encodingByte) {
    switch (encodingByte) {
      case ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1:
        return "ISO-8859-1";
      case ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_16:
        return "UTF-16";
      case ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_16BE:
        return "UTF-16BE";
      case ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_8:
        return "UTF-8";
        return "ISO-8859-1";

  private static String getFrameId(int majorVersion, int frameId0, int frameId1, int frameId2,
      int frameId3) {
    return majorVersion == 2 ? String.format(Locale.US, "%c%c%c", frameId0, frameId1, frameId2)
        : String.format(Locale.US, "%c%c%c%c", frameId0, frameId1, frameId2, frameId3);

  private static int indexOfEos(byte[] data, int fromIndex, int encoding) {
    int terminationPos = indexOfZeroByte(data, fromIndex);

    // For single byte encoding charsets, we're done.
    if (encoding == ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1 || encoding == ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_8) {
      return terminationPos;

    // Otherwise ensure an even index and look for a second zero byte.
    while (terminationPos < data.length - 1) {
      if (terminationPos % 2 == 0 && data[terminationPos + 1] == (byte) 0) {
        return terminationPos;
      terminationPos = indexOfZeroByte(data, terminationPos + 1);

    return data.length;

  private static int indexOfZeroByte(byte[] data, int fromIndex) {
    for (int i = fromIndex; i < data.length; i++) {
      if (data[i] == (byte) 0) {
        return i;
    return data.length;

  private static int delimiterLength(int encodingByte) {
    return (encodingByte == ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1 || encodingByte == ID3_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF_8)
        ? 1 : 2;

  private static final class Id3Header {

    private final int majorVersion;
    private final boolean isUnsynchronized;
    private final int framesSize;

    public Id3Header(int majorVersion, boolean isUnsynchronized, int framesSize) {
      this.majorVersion = majorVersion;
      this.isUnsynchronized = isUnsynchronized;
      this.framesSize = framesSize;


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