This is the second part of a three part series regarding exploring SQLite core functions which are explained in the following link, but lack examples. In this snippet I show examples for each of the next 13 functions that are available in SQLite by default . The SQL statement syntax and examples are listed below for these 13 functions:
sqlite_version(), sqlite_source_id(), RANDOM(), REPLACE(X,Y, Z), SUBSTR(X,Y,Z), SUBSTR(X,Y), TRIM(X), RTRIM(X), LTRIM(X), RTRIM(X,Y), LTRIM(X,Y), TRIM(X,Y), total_changes()
All examples were tested on a device that have SQLite version of 3.7.11 and all 13 passed the test and confirmed that they can be run on any version equal or higher:
Tags:All 13 function names featured in this second part series.
Dependency:SQL Library 1.30
This is the second part of a three part series regarding exploring SQLite core functions which are explained in the following link, but lack examples. In this snippet I show examples for each of the next 13 functions that are available in SQLite by default . The SQL statement syntax and examples are listed below for these 13 functions:
sqlite_version(), sqlite_source_id(), RANDOM(), REPLACE(X,Y, Z), SUBSTR(X,Y,Z), SUBSTR(X,Y), TRIM(X), RTRIM(X), LTRIM(X), RTRIM(X,Y), LTRIM(X,Y), TRIM(X,Y), total_changes()
All examples were tested on a device that have SQLite version of 3.7.11 and all 13 passed the test and confirmed that they can be run on any version equal or higher:
'sqlite_version(): Below SQLite version shows on device: e.g.
Dim sqlite As String =SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT sqlite_version()")
'sqlite_source_id(): below shows a date and time, the date and time that the source code was checked in: e.g.: 2015-05-21 17:24:32 b3bb660af9472e2c511d1fe87b5193256f74c0db
Dim sqlitesource As String =SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT sqlite_source_id()")
'RANDOM(), REPLACE(X,Y, Z), SUBSTR(X,Y,Z): below random, Replace and subtr:
MyQuery="SELECT random() AS rand, REPLACE(COLOR_NAME, 'flower','rose') AS U, substr(COLOR_NAME, 5,4) AS L FROM " & DBTableName & " WHERE COLOR_NAME='cornflowerblue'"
Log($"${Cursor1.GetLong("rand")} ${Cursor1.GetString("U")} ${Cursor1.GetString("L")} "$) '3908847478,cornroseblue,flow
'SUBSTR(X,Y): below subtr(X,Y):Returns a string from content of column COLOR_NAME, where the new string starts at
'the 5th character of COLOR_NAME and extends until the end of the content. It returns: flowerblue
MyQuery="SELECT substr(COLOR_NAME, 5) AS L FROM " & DBTableName & " WHERE COLOR_NAME='cornflowerblue'"
Log($"${Cursor1.GetString("L")} "$)
'TRIM, RTRIM, LTRIM: below Trim, Ltrim and Rtrim for trimming all spaces both ends, left side and right side respectively
Log($"${Cursor1.GetString("T")} ${Cursor1.GetString("L")} ${Cursor1.GetString("R")} "$)
'RTRIM(X,Y): Below The rtrim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y
'from the right side of X The result string is: cornflower:
MyQuery="SELECT Rtrim(COLOR_NAME,'e') FROM " & DBTableName & " WHERE COLOR_NAME='cornflowerblue'" '
Log(SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult(MyQuery) )
'RTRIM(X,Y): below another example: the result string is TestColor formed by removing COLOR-RGB col content
'which is 1000 from right of COLOR_NAME column content which is: TestColor 1000:
MyQuery="SELECT Rtrim(COLOR_NAME,COLOR_RGB) FROM " & DBTableName & " WHERE COLOR_NAME='TestColor 1000'" '
Log(SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult(MyQuery) )
'LTRIM(X,Y): The ltrim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y
'from the left side of X. below returns: Color 1000
MyQuery="SELECT Ltrim(COLOR_NAME,'Test') FROM " & DBTableName & " WHERE COLOR_NAME='TestColor 1000'" '
Log(SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult(MyQuery) )
'TRIM(X,Y): The trim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from
'both ends of X. e.g. returns color 1 after Test and 000 were removed from both ends of TestColor 1000
MyQuery="SELECT trim(COLOR_NAME,'Test 0') FROM " & DBTableName & " WHERE COLOR_NAME='TestColor 1000'" '
Log(SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult(MyQuery) )
' total_changes(): below returns the total number of database rows that were changed, inserted Or deleted since the last connection
MyQuery="SELECT total_changes() FROM " & DBTableName '
Log(SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult(MyQuery) )
Tags:All 13 function names featured in this second part series.
Dependency:SQL Library 1.30