This is my first code snippet, for exporting a tableview to an excel. ITs my first serious attempt to work with b4j after trying various tools for months. I am now certain i made the best choice to start working with b4j. After searching the forum i managed to put together this sub... no big deal for some of you but for me its a huge step in programming.
I use the jPoi library and export the data i have in TableView to excel.
Thanks Erel for B4x.
I use the jPoi library and export the data i have in TableView to excel.
Thanks Erel for B4x.
Sub CreateXLfromTableView(x As TableView, sheetName As String, XLname as String)
Dim wb As PoiWorkbook
wb.InitializeNew(True) 'create new excel workbook
'Create sheet and add the name we called the sub with
Dim sheet1 As PoiSheet
sheet1 = wb.AddSheet(sheetName,0)
'First Line has the titles from the tableview
Dim titleRow As PoiRow = sheet1.CreateRow(0)
For i = 0 To (x.ColumnsCount - 1)
titleRow.CreateCellString(i, x.GetColumnHeader(i))
'Create first data row
Dim dataRow As PoiRow = sheet1.CreateRow(1)
'A var to hold the values of each row
Dim rowValues() As String
'Go through each row
For curSet = 0 To (x.Items.Size - 1)
'Get the values of each row
rowValues = x.Items.Get(curSet)
'Assign the values to a temp variable to go through the values and write them to the cell
Dim excelCell As Int = 0
For Each s In rowValues
excelCell = excelCell + 1
'Go to the next row... remember, first row is title and second row is the beginning of data...
dataRow = sheet1.CreateRow(curSet + 2)
dataRow.RowNumber = curSet + 2
wb.Save(File.DirApp, XLname)
End Sub
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