I have developer an app for a client which sucessfully launched in the stores.
He now wants to advertise it and has engaged a separate company to deliver some Facebook ads.
They have got back to me requesting that I make some code changes. They are saying that the audience is very low as they cannot track phones which are running iOS 14+.
Does anyone know how I can include these libraries in the app and also how to turn on Advertiser Tracking.
Btw, I am using the hosted builders.
Here is the information That Meta sent on what needs to be done.
Step 1: Update the Facebook SDK for iOS
Using Cocoapods
If your app integrates with the Facebook SDK for iOS using Cocoapods, follow these steps.
1. Add the code to the podfile for the packages that are used in your app.
pod 'FBSDKCoreKit', '~> 8.0.0'
pod 'FBSDKLoginKit', '~> 8.0.0'
pod 'FBSDKShareKit', '~> 8.0.0'
pod 'FBSDKGamingServiceKit', '~> 8.0.0'
2. Run pod update.
Using Swift Package Manager (SPM)
If your app uses SPM to integrate with the Facebook SDK for iOS, follow these steps.
1. In Xcode, click
File > Swift packages > Add package dependency.
2. In
Package repository, enter the repository URL:
3. In
Version, select
Up to next major and the default option.
4. Complete the prompts to select the libraries you want to use in your project.
Turn on Advertiser Tracking Enabled
AdvertiserTrackingEnabled is a setting that allows you to receive a status from iOS 14 devices. When set to Yes or True, you can monitor the number of devices that are sending certain data within the app. Without AdvertiserTrackingEnabled turned on, app events from iOS 14 devices will not be counted, which will impact ad campaign performance. By default, AdvertiserTrackingEnabled is set to No or False.
Advertiser Tracking Enabled topic in the Facebook Developer documentation shows you how to enable and disable advertising tracking.
Step 2: Release your app
Follow instructions on
developer.apple.com to submit your app to the App Store.