B4A Library Facebook - Extends FirebaseAuth to support Facebook

This library requires B4A v12.0+


This library together with FirebaseAuth allows users to sign in to your app with a Facebook or Google account.

Start with configuring FirebaseAuth: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/firebaseauth-authenticate-your-users.67875/
Once it works you can follow these instructions to add support for Facebook.

You should create a facebook app with an Android platform:

Enable Facebook in Firebase console: Auth - Sign In Method:

Add the OAuth redirect URI from Firebase to Facebook Login product:

You will need to follow these instructions to create a hash key from B4A signing key: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/getting-started#release-key-hash
The alias in the command should be B4A.

Add the following snippet to the manifest editor and make sure to update facebook_app_id and the client token (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/guides/access-tokens#clienttokens):
'************ Facebook Login ****************
CreateResource(values, facebook.xml, <resources>
    <string name="facebook_app_id">111111111111111</string>
 AddApplicationText(<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ClientToken" android:value="aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbe053434346"/>)

AddApplicationText( <activity
           android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" />
          <meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/>)
            android:exported="false" />

            android:exported="false" >
                <action android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ACTION_CURRENT_ACCESS_TOKEN_CHANGED" />
            android:exported="false" >
                <action android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ACTION_CURRENT_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_CHANGED" />
            android:theme="@style/com_facebook_activity_theme" />
        <activity android:name="com.facebook.CustomTabMainActivity" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

                    android:scheme="fbconnect" />

'************ Facebook Login (end) **********
Replace the number with your Facebook app id.

The code itself is simple. You need to initialize FacebookSdk in the starter service.
Call SignIn from an Activity to sign in.
Note that the user will sign in automatically after the first time.

Auth_SignedIn event is raised after the user signs in.

Firebase instructions: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/android/facebook-login
Facebook instructions: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/android

Note that you need to "make the app public" before other users can log in:



v2.01 - Adds missing dependencies.
v2.00 - Based on Facebook 14.1.1
v1.04 - Based on Facebook 11.2
v1.02 - Based on Facebook SDK 7.0.0.
v1.01 - Based on Facebook SDK 5.50.

Download link: https://www.b4x.com/android/files/facebook.zip


  • FacebookExample.zip
    55.4 KB · Views: 401
Last edited:


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
ok, solved. Appcombat ... and works fine.
Added Appcombat library solved the same error:

Generating R file. Error
C:\Users\DeSof\Downloads\FacebookExample\FirebaseAuth\Objects\bin\extra\res1\res\values\values.xml:131: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@style/Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar'.
C:\Users\DeSof\Downloads\FacebookExample\FirebaseAuth\Objects\bin\extra\res1\res\values\values.xml:136: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@style/Theme.AppCompat.Dialog'.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Why do I get this error?
I followed all the steps and could not connect



Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Check the logs for any additional information.

Are you able to log in with Google?
Yes Erel with Google starts correctly!

As I interpret the message Facebook is telling me that the app is still in development.
Could it be that I'm proving an app before uploading it to Play?
Will it need to be uploaded to Play to work?

I do not know if this can help

** Service (starter) Create **
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
Error occurred on line: 91 (Main)
Log in attempt failed: FacebookActivity could not be started. Please make sure you added FacebookActivity to the AndroidManifest.
    at com.facebook.login.LoginManager.startLogin(LoginManager.java:440)
    at com.facebook.login.LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(LoginManager.java:310)
    at anywheresoftware.b4x.objects.FacebookSdkWrapper.SignIn(FacebookSdkWrapper.java:115)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.runVoidMethod(Shell.java:753)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEventImpl(Shell.java:343)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEvent(Shell.java:247)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.ShellBA.raiseEvent2(ShellBA.java:134)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(BA.java:157)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent(BA.java:153)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ViewWrapper$1.onClick(ViewWrapper.java:78)
    at android.view.View.performClick(View.java:5207)
    at android.view.View$PerformClick.run(View.java:21168)
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:746)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5443)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:728)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:618)
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Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all.
I followed all the steps in this tutorial, however it worked as expected.
When I call the facebook.SignIn function nothing happens.

Here is the video. what happens

Here is the log
** Service (starter) Create **
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
sending message to waiting queue (OnActivityResult)
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
sending message to waiting queue (OnActivityResult)
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
sending message to waiting queue (OnActivityResult)
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
sending message to waiting queue (OnActivityResult)
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **sending message to waiting queue (OnActivityResult)
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **

here is the log without filters.
isUidForegroundLocked: 10080, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10081, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10086, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10087, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10088, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10091, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10093, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10094, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10096, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10098, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10099, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 6, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10100, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10103, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10104, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10105, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10106, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10109, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 14, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10111, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10112, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10113, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10114, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10115, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10116, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10117, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10118, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10123, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10125, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10126, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10127, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10129, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10131, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10132, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10136, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10137, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10139, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10142, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10143, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10145, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10147, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10148, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10149, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 3, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10153, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10155, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10156, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10158, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10160, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10161, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10165, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10166, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10167, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10168, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10169, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10170, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 2, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10179, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10180, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10181, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10182, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10183, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10184, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10186, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10187, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10188, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10190, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10191, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10192, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10193, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10194, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10195, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10196, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10198, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10201, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10202, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10203, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10204, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10205, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10206, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10207, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10208, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10209, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10212, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10213, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10214, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10215, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10216, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10217, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10218, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10219, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10220, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10221, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10226, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10228, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10230, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10232, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10233, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 4, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10234, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10238, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 310 (W:14), CP = 264, CUR = 283, LCD = 57
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "BANDA-5GHz", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
Expired Alarm result :8
[AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#282223950#, com.google.android.gms(10021):UserLocationProducer, vrsn=10298000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#282223950#
Successfully inserted 1 locations
Remote logger timeout: 7
Starting remote logger. Port: 57512
!@Sync 21 [04-28 12:42:28.080]
!@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged!
level:90, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4221, temperature: 283, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303413, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0
online:4, current avg:291, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, current_now:383
cableConnection= 1
setPowerConnected | current backoffstate = 1024 , state =1024
skip setTransmitPower.
ApOrStaEnabledState msg.what= 155652
received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2
showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 2571000 mChargingTime : 2571000
There is no change about charging status, so return!
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
new battery level: 90
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 310 (W:14), CP = 264, CUR = 291, LCD = 57
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:830 com.absolute.android.persistservice.a.run:1244 java.lang.Thread.run:818 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
!@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged!
level:90, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4225, temperature: 282, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303413, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0
online:4, current avg:309, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, current_now:389
cableConnection= 1
setPowerConnected | current backoffstate = 1024 , state =1024
skip setTransmitPower.
ApOrStaEnabledState msg.what= 155652
received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2
showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 2571000 mChargingTime : 2571000
There is no change about charging status, so return!
new battery level: 90
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 310 (W:14), CP = 263, CUR = 309, LCD = 57
netId is 0
getNetworkForDns: using netid 502 for uid 10170
!@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged!
level:90, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4224, temperature: 283, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303413, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0
online:4, current avg:311, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, current_now:387
cableConnection= 1
setPowerConnected | current backoffstate = 1024 , state =1024
skip setTransmitPower.
ApOrStaEnabledState msg.what= 155652
received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2
showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 2571000 mChargingTime : 2571000
There is no change about charging status, so return!
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
new battery level: 90
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 309 (W:14), CP = 262, CUR = 311, LCD = 57
Input event(7): value=1 when=716618806000
UserActivityState : 4 -> 1
mDisplayReady: false
button : 1 +
animateScreenStateChange[0]: target=2
Delivering key to (17629): action: 0x0 (0)
[Dual Screen Compatible] state[0] :2
getFinalBrightness : Summary is 113 -> 113
isChangeAllowed() : name = brightness_pms_marker_screen
Tracking Direct to etc : 113
Animating brightness: target=113, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1))
animateScreenStateChange[0]: target=2
[Dual Screen Compatible] state[0] :2
getFinalBrightness : Summary is 113 -> 113
Animating brightness: target=113, rate=500 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1))
DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged()
mDisplayReady: true
ViewPostImeInputStage processKey 0
button : 1 -
lcd : 113 +
lcd : 113 -
Tracking!!: 113
isChangeAllowed() : name = brightness_pms_marker_screen
animateScreenStateChange[0]: target=2
[Dual Screen Compatible] state[0] :2
getFinalBrightness : Summary is 113 -> 113
Animating brightness: target=113, rate=500 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1))
Input event(7): value=0 when=716698547000
closeMultiWindowTrayBar() failed -> mMultiWindowTrayBar =null/mMultiWindowEditMode = null
Delivering key to (17629): action: 0x1 (0)
ViewPostImeInputStage processKey 1
failed to move task TaskRecord{fadabf2 #2328 A=com.google.android.youtube U=0 sz=1}
Focused application set to: xxxx
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
Launching com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free, updated priority
NotifyRunnable. pkg: com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false
updatePackagesScore PackageInfo name -- com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free
CsiAction [cly] already ticked pl_int. Ignored.
updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{6e15839 token=android.os.BinderProxy@a68c9a {clickfight.youtubers.id/clickfight.youtubers.id.main}} show : true
identifyGamePackage. com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free
identifyGamePackage. com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free
id=79 createSurf (1440x2560),1 flag=404, nain
setCurrentAppOrientation :1
rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false mMobileKeyboardEnabled=false displayId=0
Focus left window: 17629
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1440x2560]-format:1
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:4826 uid:1000
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "BANDA-5GHz", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
identifyGamePackage. com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free
post active user change for 0 fullscreen false isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
Shared devices show user statefalse
Target Activity is not fullscreen. We will not show this activity0
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "BANDA-5GHz", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
identifyGamePackage. com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free
id=80 createSurf (1280x1656),1 flag=4, WideoPrevie
manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{aac72f6 u0 d0 com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free/com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free.activities.VideoPreviewActivity}
setSystemUiVisibility vis=8000 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8600 newVal=8000 diff=600
Focus entered window: 17159
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:4826 uid:1000
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1280x1656]-format:1
MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
IMPL finishInput
SwiftKeyWrapper writeDBdataToFileOnFinishInput
saveAndClear +
saveAndClear -
onStartInput: No inputType, No imeOption, isInputViewShown = false, isExtractViewShown = false, isShowInputRequested = false, isConfigChanged = false
Finishing drawing window Window{aac72f6 u0 d0 com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free/com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free.activities.VideoPreviewActivity}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@1ef2132 time:716838
isUidForegroundLocked: 10238, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 2, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
SD activityfalse
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 127844(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 98(1976KB) LOS objects, 25% free, 45MB/61MB, paused 1.424ms total 167.475ms
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
Finishing drawing window Window{220e5d8 u0 d0 clickfight.youtubers.id/clickfight.youtubers.id.main}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:830 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:8624 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.access$1500:305 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:1215 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102
activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
SD activityfalse
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7f8e7fee78
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7f8e7fee78
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
MSG_RESIZED: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
packageName : com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free className : com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free.activities.VideoPreviewActivity
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
mGameModeLauncher : false
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
Skip setting animation background if there is an exiting window only.
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{2b106d2 u0 com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free/.activities.VideoPreviewActivity t2327} time:717471
Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{6f81a92 u0 clickfight.youtubers.id/.main t2326} time:717471
Killing 16609:com.sec.android.app.sbrowser/u0a142 (adj 15): DHA:empty #33
Killing 16956:com.samsung.knox.rcp.components/u0a138 (adj 15): DHA:empty #33
id=78 Removed XatchWhileA (2/14)
id=78 Removed XatchWhileA (-2/14)
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954348
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13
notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10170, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 16, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
SD activityfalse
activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
SD activityfalse
cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16956
isAutoRunBlockedApp:: com.samsung.knox.rcp.components, Auto Run ON
Acc old sensor_state 16385, new sensor_state : 16384 en : 0
cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16609
isAutoRunBlockedApp:: com.sec.android.app.sbrowser, Auto Run ON
unregisterListener ::
performUpdateVisibility, same visibility false
#3 mView = null
in onDiscoveryRequestChanged: request=DiscoveryRequest{ selector=MediaRouteSelector{ controlCategories=[com.google.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST/805741C9, com.google.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST/DCE66C86, com.google.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST//urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media, com.google.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST/233637DE] }, activeScan=false, isValid=true }
Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{com.google.android.music/com.google.android.music.dial.DialMediaRouteProviderService} from pid=17629, uid=10170 that is not exported from uid 10129
Handler (android.os.Handler) {7eb3a96} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.os.Handler) {7eb3a96} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:543)
at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(Handler.java:631)
at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:600)
at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:570)
at android.os.Handler.post(Handler.java:326)
at qbh.b(SourceFile:40)
at aayg.d(SourceFile:172)
at aayg.a(SourceFile:73)
at abbj.run(SourceFile:4)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:158)
at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
Handler (android.os.Handler) {7eb3a96} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.os.Handler) {7eb3a96} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:543)
at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(Handler.java:631)
at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:600)
at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:570)
at android.os.Handler.post(Handler.java:326)
at qbh.a(SourceFile:36)
at aayg.a(SourceFile:74)
at abbj.run(SourceFile:4)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:158)
at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
netId is 0
getNetworkForDns: using netid 502 for uid 10170
packageName : com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free className : com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free.activities.VideoPreviewActivity
getTopLevelResources: /data/app/com.google.android.youtube-1/base.apk / 1.0 running in com.android.systemui rsrc of package com.google.android.youtube
load=com.google.android.youtube, bg=192-192, dr=192-192
scaled rate=1.0254545, size=192, alpha=8, hold=26, target=192
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
in onDiscoveryRequestChanged: request=DiscoveryRequest{ selector=MediaRouteSelector{ controlCategories=[com.google.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST/805741C9, com.google.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST/DCE66C86, com.google.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST//urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media] }, activeScan=false, isValid=true }
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13
[MDNS] Filter criteria: 805741C9,DCE66C86,%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media
[MDNS] updateScannerState: No filter criteria was added.
[MDNS] updateScannerState: criteriaRemoved: 233637DE
Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED,805741C9,DCE66C86,233637DE"
unicast receiver thread is already dead.
#acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED,805741C9,DCE66C86"
Wifi multicast lock enabled by UID = 10021
[CastNearby] Filter criteria: 805741C9,DCE66C86,%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media
[CastNearby] updateScannerState: No filter criteria was added.
[CastNearby] updateScannerState: criteriaRemoved: 233637DE
mGameModeLauncher : false
button : 0 +
Input event(7): value=1 when=718152330000
Delivering key to (17159): action: 0x0 (0)
button : 0 -
button : 1 +
ViewPostImeInputStage processKey 0
button : 1 -
Input event(7): value=0 when=718272907000
closeMultiWindowTrayBar() failed -> mMultiWindowTrayBar =null/mMultiWindowEditMode = null
Delivering key to (17159): action: 0x1 (0)
ViewPostImeInputStage processKey 1
failed to move task TaskRecord{2a2cb69 #2327 A=com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free U=0 sz=1}
Focused application set to: xxxx
time = 5000
isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free,userId = 0
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
Launching clickfight.youtubers.id, updated priority
updatePackagesScore PackageInfo name -- clickfight.youtubers.id
remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/clickfight.youtubers.id/files/AppEventsLogger.persistedevents
Focus left window: 17159
Focus entered window: 17299
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
netId is 0
getNetworkForDns: using netid 502 for uid 10238
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:4826 uid:1000
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
id=81 createSurf (171x128),1 flag=4,
manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{220e5d8 u0 d0 clickfight.youtubers.id/clickfight.youtubers.id.main}
NotifyRunnable. pkg: clickfight.youtubers.id, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false
** Activity (main) Resume **
handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
Shared devices show user statefalse
NotificationListenerService OngoingNotificationPosted : com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free
171 x 128
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [171x128]-format:1
windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
query, [selection] : null
MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
DisplayListCanvas is started on unbinded RenderNode (without mOwningView)
IMPL finishInput
SwiftKeyWrapper writeDBdataToFileOnFinishInput
saveAndClear +
saveAndClear -
Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@a68c9a time:718405
Finishing drawing window Window{6d3fe3a u0 d0 com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
setAreThereNotifications: N=3 any=true clearable=false
scroll range should be extended : 1600
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
Invalid notification data
#3 mView = null
remove PendingIntent] PendingIntent{893b525: PendingIntentRecord{21b56b7 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}}
message length is 9
countRead is 7 offset is 7remaining is 0
ipcMainCmd: 8
isUSerBinary: true
[Rx]: Param: FF 03
isUSerBinary: true
[Tx]: Param: 30 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
EpdgModem instance already exists !
Successfully written to RIL
handleMessage: cid - 1
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19602(1125KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 26% free, 45MB/61MB, paused 1.344ms total 163.845ms
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 0 : [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "BANDA-5GHz", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 2 : [type: MOBILE_MMS[] - MOBILE_MMS, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 3 : [type: MOBILE_SUPL[] - MOBILE_SUPL, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 4 : [type: MOBILE_DUN[] - MOBILE_DUN, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 5 : [type: MOBILE_HIPRI[] - MOBILE_HIPRI, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
translateToNwkSvcType: networkType XAN_NWK_TYPE_WLAN
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 7 : [type: BLUETOOTH[] - BLUETOOTH, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
Siso Stack not called RegisterAN yet on XAN_NWK_TYPE_WLAN
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 9 : [type: ETHERNET[] - ETHERNET, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 10 : [type: MOBILE_FOTA[] - MOBILE_FOTA, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 11 : [type: MOBILE_IMS[] - MOBILE_IMS, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 12 : [type: MOBILE_CBS[] - MOBILE_CBS, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 13 : [type: WIFI_P2P[] - WIFI_P2P, state: UNKNOWN/IDLE, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 14 : [type: MOBILE_IA[] - MOBILE_IA, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 15 : [type: MOBILE_EMERGENCY[] - MOBILE_EMERGENCY, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 17 : [type: VPN[] - VPN, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
packageName : clickfight.youtubers.id className : clickfight.youtubers.id.main
identifyGamePackage. clickfight.youtubers.id
identifyGamePackage. clickfight.youtubers.id
identifyGamePackage. clickfight.youtubers.id
identifyGamePackage. clickfight.youtubers.id
mGameModeLauncher : false
id=80 Removed WideoPrevie (1/14)
id=80 Removed WideoPrevie (-2/14)
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954348
button : 0 +
button : 0 -
identifyGamePackage. clickfight.youtubers.id
onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 1 99 -1 -200 -1 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0x3 gsm|lte level=3
getMobileIconGroup(): 9
!@Sync 22 [04-28 12:42:58.081]
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13
Input event(4): value=1 when=721394668000
Input event(4): value=1 when=721394668000
Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.77 ] when=721394668000
lastThreadEndTime = 720450224177, currentThreadStartTime = 720450230138, diff = 0
Delivering touch to (17299): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
contents_sample_state: [ contacts(99) data(913) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.sim (3)=12, com.whatsapp (8)=41, com.google (2)=87}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:100 cnt:46]) ]
contents_sample_state: [ agr({[3]=12, [8]=1, [2]=47, [2 ,2 ,8 ,8]=1, [2 ,8]=38}) ]
Flush buffer to file cnt : 6 size : 3Kb duration : 68ms lastUpdatedAfter : 135332ms
Input event(4): value=0 when=721520429000
Input event(4): value=0 when=721520429000
Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=721520429000
Delivering touch to (17299): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:clickfight.youtubers.id time:721526
applyVirtualScreenAttrs attrs=VirtualScreenAttrs{mDisplayId=0, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
identifyGamePackage. clickfight.youtubers.id
Gamemode - return 0, when calling identifyForegroundApp(clickfight.youtubers.id)
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
addAppToken: AppWindowToken{d071428c6 token=Token{3ef7ea1 ActivityRecord{38b6708 u0 clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity t2326}}} to stack=2 task=2326 at 1
Focused application set to: xxxx
Focus left window: 17299
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:4826 uid:1000
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
NotifyRunnable. pkg: clickfight.youtubers.id, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false
getTopLevelResources: /data/app/clickfight.youtubers.id-1/base.apk / 1.0 running in clickfight.youtubers.id rsrc of package clickfight.youtubers.id
updatePackagesScore PackageInfo name -- clickfight.youtubers.id
remove PendingIntent] PendingIntent{725e087: PendingIntentRecord{21b56b7 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}}
performCreate Call Injection manager
dispatchOnViewCreated > Target : com.facebook.FacebookActivity isFragment :false
isUidForegroundLocked: 10105, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 3, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
Metadata value : SecSettings2
#1 mView = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$DecorView{aa21730 I.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0}
InputChannelName : abe0f20 clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity
post active user change for 0 fullscreen false isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
Shared devices show user statefalse
Target Activity is not fullscreen. We will not show this activity0
id=82 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4, GacebookAct
manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{abe0f20 u0 d0 clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity}
Focus entered window: 17299
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:4826 uid:1000
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1440x2560]-format:1
MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 96 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 96 - 0, 0) or=1
windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
IMPL finishInput
SwiftKeyWrapper writeDBdataToFileOnFinishInput
saveAndClear +
saveAndClear -
onStartInput: No inputType, No imeOption, isInputViewShown = false, isExtractViewShown = false, isShowInputRequested = false, isConfigChanged = false
DisplayListCanvas is started on unbinded RenderNode (without mOwningView)
Finishing drawing window Window{abe0f20 u0 d0 clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@e0c92c4 time:721632
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{abe0f20 u0 d0 clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity}
Displayed clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity: +101ms
activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is false showWhenlocked is false
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
FrequencyrequestList.getNextCStateDisableRequest, index: 0
Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{38b6708 u0 clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity t2326} time:721640
setSystemUiVisibility vis=0 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8000 newVal=0 diff=8000
netId is 0
getNetworkForDns: using netid 502 for uid 10105
updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{6e15839 token=android.os.BinderProxy@a68c9a {clickfight.youtubers.id/clickfight.youtubers.id.main}} show : true
SD activityfalse
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:830 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:8624 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.access$1500:305 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:1215 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13
identifyGamePackage. clickfight.youtubers.id
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13
moveTaskBackToDisplayIfNeeded(): The task has more than one activity
Focused application set to: xxxx
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
NotifyRunnable. pkg: clickfight.youtubers.id, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false
updatePackagesScore PackageInfo name -- clickfight.youtubers.id
Focus left window: 17299
Focus entered window: 17299
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:4826 uid:1000
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
isUidForegroundLocked: 10105, mScreenOn: true, uidstate: 10, mProxSensorScreenOff: false
manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{abe0f20 u0 d0 clickfight.youtubers.id/com.facebook.FacebookActivity}
sending message to waiting queue (OnActivityResult)
setSystemUiVisibility vis=8000 mask=ffffffff oldVal=0 newVal=8000 diff=8000
post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
Shared devices show user statefalse
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:830 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:8624 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.access$1500:305 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:1215 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102
manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{220e5d8 u0 d0 clickfight.youtubers.id/clickfight.youtubers.id.main}
windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
IMPL finishInput
SwiftKeyWrapper writeDBdataToFileOnFinishInput
saveAndClear +
saveAndClear -
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found.
Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found.
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7f8e6ffe78
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7f8e6ffe78
Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@a68c9a time:722221
#3 mView = null
remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/clickfight.youtubers.id/files/AppEventsLogger.persistedevents
Executing request: ProxyRequest[ url: https://www.googleapis.com/identity...n?key=AIzaSyBeCKbZLaemlVeNFxWGceezPjcKVA4lHAw, method: 1 ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
netId is 0
getNetworkForDns: using netid 502 for uid 10021
Tagging socket 33 with tag 3000100400000000{805310468,0} uid 10021, pid: 6359, getuid(): 10021
Could not set socket write timeout: null
Expired Alarm result :8
___SyncScheduler (v3) ACTIVATED___
<AppSync3 Whitelist>
(AppSync) ### 0 added ###
received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Could not set socket write timeout: null
id=82 Removed GacebookAct (7/14)
id=82 Removed GacebookAct (-2/14)
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954348
Untagging socket 33
Executing send connection operation
#3 mView = null
id=81 Removed (8/13)
id=81 Removed (-2/13)
Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 10233 pkg com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0
#1 mView = com.hecorat.c.a.a{e959ba1 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-171,128}
InputChannelName : c621a5a
handelAlertToastWindowStarted pkgName = com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free
eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954348
id=83 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4,
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [171x128]-format:1
MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
DisplayListCanvas is started on unbinded RenderNode (without mOwningView)
Finishing drawing window Window{c621a5a u0 d0 com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x7fd8954228
!@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged!
level:90, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4218, temperature: 283, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303413, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0
online:4, current avg:181, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, current_now:335
cableConnection= 1
setPowerConnected | current backoffstate = 1024 , state =1024
skip setTransmitPower.
ApOrStaEnabledState msg.what= 155652
received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2
showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 2571000 mChargingTime : 2571000
There is no change about charging status, so return!
new battery level: 90
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:90 status:2 health:2
returning getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "BANDA-5GHz", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 1 99 -4 -200 -4 -200 -1 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0x2 gsm|lte level=2
getMobileIconGroup(): 9
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1872000 uid : 1000 pid : 4826 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@13

what i need to make to make this login with facebook works?

ps: i m using b4a 6.80, android 6.0.1 (galaxy s7 edge )



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all.
I followed all the steps in this tutorial, however it worked as expected.
When I call the facebook.SignIn function nothing happens.

Here is the video. what happens

Here is the log

here is the log without filters.

what i need to make to make this login with facebook works?

ps: i m using b4a 6.80, android 6.0.1 (galaxy s7 edge )


It probably failed to sign in to FB
Do you ckecked to enable Facebook SignIn in the Firebase console in AUTH tab ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, I have followed the steps and run the demo app to test but keep getting this log error when trying to log in to facebook

 1675030 [message]: Error performing query. [extra]: Errors while executing operation "ProxyAuthAppLoginQuery": At Query.proxy_auth_app_login: Failed to resolve field.

Any idea as to what is causing it?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't see how Java will help here. It seems like the Facebook project is misconfigured.
Ok have tried it on another phone and it works, is there a cache file used by the library that's used to store data that I can delete?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok have tried it on another phone and it works, is there a cache file used by the library that's used to store data that I can delete?
Grrrr! It's bloody working on both phones now haha! Ignore me, thanks for your help anyway.


Licensed User
I am starting out to create a login but i have hit a snag very early. I need to get the SHA fingerprint. When I go into tools > private sign key I do not see any key. All I get is as per the picture. How do i get to see what I need.

Thanks for the help

View attachment 56884
Hi Smee,
I think you have to scroll the edit box at bottom.

Angel Garcia

Licensed User
Hi, I have an issue, in other cell phones different than mine i cant get the email of the user when sign in, it returns Null. It returns correctly URL image and Name, but the email is Null, i already set the configuration for "Allow creation of multiple accounts with the same email address" off in console.
Can anybody know how to resolve this?.
Many thanks in advance!


  • ConsErr.PNG
    36.6 KB · Views: 324

Marcus Araujo

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all.
I followed all the steps in this tutorial, however it worked as expected.
When I call the facebook.SignIn function nothing happens.

Here is the video. what happens

Here is the log

here is the log without filters.

what i need to make to make this login with facebook works?

ps: i m using b4a 6.80, android 6.0.1 (galaxy s7 edge )


Hello, I'm getting similar results and I know the reason, but don't know how to fix it.

What happens: when I try to log in (Facebook), it asks for user permission, then goes back to the login screen and does nothing. Nothing at all. PS: I tried to login via Facebook using the same e-mail from my previous login via Google (this info is important!).

What I noticed: In firebase console, I saw that the .SignOut method did not work in server side - For firebase, I was still logged in via Google. So, when I try to login via Facebook, I infer it is denying my access...

What I did: I manually excluded the account in Firebase. Then I tried to login again via Facebook. Guess what? It worked!

My question: Is there any event triggered that I can see the "Access Denied" or any other login error message, from Facebook library or FirebaseAuth? SignedIn doesn't help.