I have used the firebase notifications in my app, and it's now been 12 months and the APN certificate is due to expire in the coming days.
I have followed the steps on the tutorial - https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ions-push-messages-server-not-required.68645/
First of all, everything is working at the moment and now need to review the APN Certificate.
Here is what I have done and hoping someone can find what I have missed.
Logged into my Apple Developer Console.
- I went into the Apple Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section.
- Went into the certificate section and created a new certificate.
- Selected Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production)
- Selected the AppID assigned to the app I am renewing the push notifications for.
- Selected the CSR file from my Keys folder.
- Downloaded the file to my Keys folder.
Went into the B4i IDE
- Tools - Build Server - Create Push Key - Firebase Service
Got the file, firebase_push.p12
I then uploaded the file to my Google Firebase.
- Went to the Cloud messaging section.
- Found it shows the current certificate is due to expire soon.
I selected the 'Update' button and uploaded the firebase_push.p12 file and left the password blank as the tutorial above doesn't mention anything about a password.
But now it shows that the password is incorrect and filed to upload the file.
Should I be entering in a password, or have I done something wrong ?
I have used the firebase notifications in my app, and it's now been 12 months and the APN certificate is due to expire in the coming days.
I have followed the steps on the tutorial - https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ions-push-messages-server-not-required.68645/
First of all, everything is working at the moment and now need to review the APN Certificate.
Here is what I have done and hoping someone can find what I have missed.
Logged into my Apple Developer Console.
- I went into the Apple Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section.
- Went into the certificate section and created a new certificate.
- Selected Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production)
- Selected the AppID assigned to the app I am renewing the push notifications for.
- Selected the CSR file from my Keys folder.
- Downloaded the file to my Keys folder.
Went into the B4i IDE
- Tools - Build Server - Create Push Key - Firebase Service
Got the file, firebase_push.p12
I then uploaded the file to my Google Firebase.
- Went to the Cloud messaging section.
- Found it shows the current certificate is due to expire soon.
I selected the 'Update' button and uploaded the firebase_push.p12 file and left the password blank as the tutorial above doesn't mention anything about a password.
But now it shows that the password is incorrect and filed to upload the file.
Should I be entering in a password, or have I done something wrong ?