Obj1.FromLibrary("Main.btnStart", "_btn", B4PObject(2))
I try it in the next version to implement.Hi Fillipo, is it possible to add the image modes to the button's images?
ie: cStretched, cCentered, etc
I try it in the next version to implement.
Sorry about the typo!PS. Filippo with 1 "L" and 2 "P"
genau! Ich berechne so:das AutoScale des Buttons ist ein komplett eigenes und hat nichts mit dem AutoScale von B4PPC zu tun, oder?
scaleX = screenWidth / 240
Sub App_Start
btnExit.New2("Form1", "", cWhite, 12, 170, 210, 60, 50, cWhite, cGray, True, True )
End Sub
Sub Form1_resize
scale = ScreenScaleX
btnExit.left= 170 * scale
btnExit.top= 210 * scale
btnExit.Width= 60 * scale
btnExit.Height= 50 * scale
End Sub
Ich versuche es nach dem Urlaub zu implementieren.Is it possible to disable the automatic autoscale of the button or make it compatible to the Basic4PPC autoscale compile?