That works for me but it is a good idea to provide a ControlRef Property too to allow general access to the control and all its features. I think nearly all Custom Controls (at least all from agraham) for Basic4PPC have the ControlRef property.
But even without this your buttons look great. Together with the blist library it is possible to make applications that look quite "modern" now.
I've just looked at my previous post and to my surprise there is an error, although it was a cut and paste from a working example. Probably a case of the IDE letting you get away with things the optimising compiler doesn't accept.
Hi Paulo,
What are you expecting with the "WithPressedEffect" ?
I tried Filippo's example program and it works perfectly.
The "WithPressedEffect" means that when you click onto the button the colors are inverted, as soon as you release the button, the button gets the original colors.
If you are expecting a "toggle button" that means
1st click button pressed
2nd click button released
3 rd click button pressed
and so on.
This "toggle button" behaviour is not supported.
Hi Filippo,
Toggle buttons could be an interesting function !?
Yes, I have tryed the example with the lattest dll version, but the "Shadow-Flip" occours either set to true or false, I was expecting NOT to have the "Shadow flip" animation...But I solved it by not having a gradient...
das AutoScale des Buttons ist ein komplett eigenes und hat nichts mit dem AutoScale von B4PPC zu tun, oder? Es ist nämlich etwas merkwürdig. Ich habe einen Button definiert, der 22 Pixel hoch ist. Wenn ich die Anwendung auf meinem WVGA device starte, wird der Button in der Höhe um Faktor 2.5 vergrößert, nicht um Faktor 2. Die 0.5 ist genau der Faktor, um den WVGA größer ist als VGA. Damit ist der Button aber nicht mehr kompatibel mit dem AutoScale compile von Basic4PPC.
Kann man das Autoscale des Buttons irgendwie abschalten oder kann man es zum Basic4PPC autoscale compile kompatibel machen?
i think the autoscale of the button is different to the autoscale of B4PPC? It's a bit strange. I have created a button which is 22 pixels high. If I start the program on my WVGA device, the button is scaled by factor 2.5 and not factor 2 as expected. The 0.5 is exactly the size that WVGA is larger than VGA. With this the button is not compatible with the autoscale compile of Basic4PPC.
Is it possible to disable the automatic autoscale of the button or make it compatible to the Basic4PPC autoscale compile?