Bug? File.DirApp with linux


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With linux File.DirApp seems return the directory where is launched the jar file, not the jar directory

for instance the jar is under /home/myuser/mydirectory1/mydirectory2/myjar.jar

If I start the jar with double click.
TextWriter1.Initialize(File.OpenOutput(File.DirApp, "Text.txt", False))
create the file Text.txt under /home/user/

If I run the jar with this command:
cd /home/myuser/mydirectory1/mydirectory2/
java -jar myjar.jar
the file is created under /home/myuser/mydirectory1/mydirectory2

If I run the jar with this command:
cd /home/myuser/mydirectory1
java -jar mydirectory2/myjar.jar
the file is created under /home/myuser/mydirectory1

SORRY the response is in this thread
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