B4A Library File handling library

A file handling library that includes support for rooted devices. MLfiles will use superuser as well as busybox or toolbox if they are installed. The correct system paths are automatically searched for available superuser packages.

Attached is my file handling library for access to the Android file system. It includes a more complete Samba implementation for remote file access to windows or other samba servers. Below is a list of methods and variables available in the library. There is a simple example app in the zip to demonstrate some of the functions. works on rooted or non rooted devices.

MLfiles is now Version 1.50. MLsmb is now Version 1.51. See the attachments at the end of this post.

From version 1.50 MLfiles and MLsmb are separate libraries. If you are using both in your project, you'll need to check both libraries in the IDE. The jcifs samba library routines add over 300k to the size of an app. By separating the 2 libraries you get to choose when or if to use the samba library (MLsmb) or not.

Jem Miller - Missing Link Software
Version: 1.5
  • MLfiles
    • ErrStr As String
      The StdErr interface used by most commands. This should
      contain any error message from the OS.
    • FSerror As String
      The value of stderror is set to this string after each call
      if it is empty, there was no error.
    • HaveBB As Boolean
      True if busybox is installed.
    • HaveRoot As Boolean
      True if GetRoot succeeds.
    • HaveTB As Boolean
      True if toolbox is installed.
    • OutStr As String
      The StdOut interface returned by some commands. This
      will contain what would normally be text output to a linux
    • fsStdOut As String
      Contains the Linux StdOut result of a command. This is
      what you would see in a Linux console if the command
      is successful.
    • Escape (fname As String) As String
      Escapes spaces, "(" and ")" characters in a filename
      returns the original string if already escaped.
    • Exists (Filename As String) As Boolean
      Checks to see if a file exists.
      Filename is the path and filename string
      Returns True on success
    • GetDiskstats (Path As String) As String
      Returns information of the given partition or pathname as a string formatted as
      Size Used Free Blocksize
      each field is separated with a single space.
      For example:
      Dim fs as MLFiles
      Dim tmp as String
      tmp = fs.GetDiskstats("/mnt/sdcard")
      In the example above, tmp Might return :
      8G 57M 8G 4096
      If busybox is present, the output will be in bytes for each field.
      Uses Root if available.
    • GetExtSd As String
      Returns the location of the external SD card mount point.
      This is a best guess based upon the standards being adopted in later releases of Android.
      Returns an empty string if not found.
    • GetFileDate (Fname As String) As Long
      Gets the last modified date and time of a file or directory.
      Returns the timestamp in milliseconds.
    • GetFileExt (FName As String) As String
      Returns the file extension (if available) of the file FName
      otherwise returns the entire path and filename sent
    • GetFileType (Fname As String) As String
      Gets the filetype of Fname.
      Returns file type as a String on success or Unknown on failure.
      Returns standard mime types such as:


      as file types
    • GetFreespace (Path As String) As Long
      Returns the available space of the given partition/disk as a Long
      Path is the mount point or directory within a partition
      Note that some partitions are protected and will not return a value.
    • GetGigsFree (Path As String) As Double
      Returns the available space of the given partition/disk in gigabytes
      Path is the partition path or directory within a partition
      Returns the available space on the partition containing the Path in gigabytes.
      Note that some partitions are protected and will not return a value.
    • GetPerms (fname As String) As String
      perms = GetPerms(filename)
      Returns a Linux style permission string "rwxrwxrwx" rwx for each of owner, group, and others.
      Use - for no permission, like "rw-r--r--" for owner read write, group read, and others read.
      Works with files or directories.
    • GetRoot
      Attempts to gain root access.
      Sets HaveRoot to True on success
    • GetSymlink (Fname As String) As String
      Gets the target of a symbolic link in string format.
    • IsReadable (Fname As String) As Boolean
      Returns True if file or directory is readable to this user process.
    • IsWritable (Fname As String) As Boolean
      Returns True if file or directory is writable to this user process.
    • ReadTxtFile (Fname As String) As String
      Reads a text file and returns its contents in a StringBuilder.
      Uses Root if available.
    • RootCmd (Command As String, Args As String, StdOut As StringBuilder, StdErr As StringBuilder, useBB As Boolean) As Boolean
      Executes a system command or program through the root adapter.
      Uses standard permissions if root is not available.
      Command - the command to execute
      Args - the arguments to the command
      StdOut - the text that would appear in a linux console
      StdErr - any error text returned by the command
      useBB - use busybox for the command if available
      Returns true on success.
    • Sdcard As String
      Returns the path to the external SD card if present as a string including the ending /
      like /mnt/sdcard/
      returns an empty string if not present
    • SdcardReady As String
      Returns a state string for the external sdcard.

      mounted = mounted and ready
      unmounted = card present but unmounted
      bad removal = sdcard removed without closing
      removed = no card present
      nofs = unformatted or unknown filesystem
      shared = mount point is currently shared with usb device
      unmountable = sdcard is present but damaged
      checking = media is being scanned
      mounted read only = sdcard is not writable
    • SetFileDate (Fname As String, Time As Long) As Boolean
      Sets file date and time on Fname to Time in milliseconds.
      Returns True on success.
    • Symlink (Linkname As String, Filename As String) As Boolean
      Creates the symbolic link Linkname from Filename as in Linux/Unix.
      Works on files or directories.
      Returns True on success.

      Uses Root if available.
    • Touch (Fname As String) As Boolean
      Creates an empty file with the current date and time.
      Fname is the name of the file to create. If the file exists the datestamp is changed to NOW.
      Returns True on success.
      Uses root if available.
    • WriteTxtFile (Fname As String, Txt As String) As Boolean
      Writes the contents of Txt to the file Fname.
      Fname must already exist or a FileNotFound exception is thrown.
      Uses root if available.
    • chmod (Filename As String, permissions As String) As Boolean
      Sets file permissions for a file or directory. Requires correct user access or root.
      Permissions are as Linux chmod numeric value.
      1 = execute
      2 = write
      4 = read

      644 = owner read/write (4 + 2), group read, other read
      755 = owner read/write/execute (4 + 2 + 1), group read/execute, other read,execute

      Uses Root if available.
    • cp (Src As String, Dest As String) As Boolean
      Copy a file from Src to Dest
      Returns True on success.
      Uses Root if available.
    • cpr (Src As String, Dest As String) As Boolean
      Recursive copy just like the Linux cp -r
      Copies all files and directories under the Src path to Dest.
      Works with directories, but is meaningless for files.
      Returns True on success.
      Uses Root if available.
    • createZipFile (path As String)
      Creates a backup zip of the directory path
    • dirEntries (Dir As String, Hidden As Boolean) As ArrayList
      Returns a list of formatted directory entries or an empty list on failure. As in :
      d---rwxr-x system sdcard_rw 0 2011-11-13 12:59 LOST.DIR
      Each element is in the form of a space separated string of
      permissions and type (drwxr-xr-x) where the first char indicates a directory, link, or regular file (d, l, or -).
      owner name
      group name
      file size
      file name
      Hidden is a boolean and will show ALL files hidden or not if True.
      Note that this method makes every attempt to fill in a size for symlinks and directories
      This means that you should always get 7 fields.
      Uses Root if available.
    • extractZipFiles (zip_file As String, directory As String)
      Unzips a backup zipfile to directory.
      Creates the destination DIR if needed.
    • extractZipFilesFromDir (zipName As String, fromDir As String, toDir As String)
      Unzips zipName from fromDir to toDir
    • isDir (Path As String) As Boolean
      Returns true if Path is a directory
    • isSymlink (Fname As String) As Boolean
      Returns True if file or directory is a symbolic link.
    • mkdir (Dir As String) As Boolean
      Make a directory and any needed parent directories
      Returns True on success
      Uses Root if available.
    • mv (Oldname As String, Newname As String) As Boolean
      Use to move or rename files or directories from Oldname to Newname.
      Returns True on success.
      Uses Root if available.
    • rm (Fname As String) As Boolean
      Remove (delete) a file or directory
      Directories must be empty
      Returns True on success.
      Uses Root if available.
    • rmrf (Fname As String) As Boolean
      Remove (delete) a directory recursively.
      ALL files and sub-directories will be deleted, EMPTY OR NOT.
      Returns True on success.
      Uses Root if available.
    • zipPeek (zipname As String) As ArrayList
      Opens a zip file and returns the list of its contents
      in a list.
      zipname is the full path and filename to be displayed
      Returns a formatted string of :
      path/Name, compressed FileSize, and DateTime as a single semicolon separated string
    • android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

The MLsmb library:

Jem Miller - Missing Link Software
Version: 1.51
  • MLsmb
    • Success (Name as String As , Size as Long As )
    • FSerror As String
    • Escape (fname As String) As String
      Escapes spaces, "(" and ")" characters in a filename
      Returns the original string if already escaped.
    • Initialize
      Initializes internal variables
    • SmbCopy (FromFile As String, ToFile As String, eventname As String)
      Copies a file TO or FROM the Samba server, including samba to samba copying.
      Calls the Success event when completed.

      The event contains the filename and file size as:

      varname_Success(Name as String, Size as Long)

      put any code you need to execute on successful copy in the event sub.
      eventname_Success(Name As String, Size As Long)
    • SmbCredentials (Username As String, Password As String, Domain As String)
      Set the user name, password, and domain for a samba server.
      If set, this record will be passed to the server when the Smb methods are called.
    • SmbDelete (Url As String, SmbFile As String) As Boolean
      Deletes a file on the Samba server
      Returns True on success.
    • SmbIP (host As String) As String
      Returns the IP address of the Samba server
    • SmbList (SmbUrl As String, Pattern As String) As ArrayList
      Returns a list of SmbFile types on the samba server.
      Check the FSerror string to see if authentication failed or is needed.
      SmbUrl = the SMB path to list
      Pattern = an optional wildcard search pattern
    • SmbMove (From As String, To As String) As Boolean
      Moves or renames files or directories on the Samba server
      Returns True on success.
    • mkSmbDirs (Dir As String) As Boolean
      Makes a directory on the Samba server.
      This method will create any missing elements of the new path.
      Returns True on success.
    • smbInStream (Afile As String) As InputStream
      Creates an input stream from the file Afile that can be fed to another object.
      Returns null if not successful.
    • android.permission.INTERNET
    • android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • SambaFile
    • TYPE_COMM As Int
    • TYPE_SERVER As Int
    • TYPE_SHARE As Int
    • CanRead As Boolean
      True is the file or directory is readable.
    • CanWrite As Boolean
      True if the directory or file can be written to.
    • DiskFree As Long
      Returns the free space of this Samba share.
    • GetPath As String
      Returns the SMB path to this file or directory
    • GetServer As String
      Returns the Smaba server name
    • GetShare As String
      Returns the share name
    • GetType As Int
      Returns an Int representing the type of SMB object for this SambaFile from 0 through 6
      TYPE_FILESYSTEM, a regular file or directory
      TYPE_WORKGROUP, A workgroup
      TYPE_SERVER, a Samba server
      TYPE_SHARE, a shared directory
      TYPE_PRINTER, a shared printer
      TYPE_NAMED_PIPE, a named pipe
      TYPE_COMM, a communications device
    • IsFile As Boolean
      True if this is a file and not a directory.
    • IsHidden As Boolean
      True if this file or directory is hidden.
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
    • LastModified As Long
      Returns the modify date of this file
    • Name As String
      Returns the file name
    • Parent As String
      Returns the parent directory
    • ServerIp (Server As String) As String
      Returns the IP address of the server
    • Size As Long
      Returns the file size
    • isDir As Boolean
      Ckecks if this file is a directory.

The jcifs.jar file used in this library is available HERE

There are 2 test projects included in the zip file. One for MLfiles and one for MLsmb.

Version 1.1
  • Many small changes have been made for efficiency. The GetRoot has been modified to try different methods of determining if a device has root access available. I added the Escape method in both the files and Samba objects to escape file names containing spaces, "(" and ")" characters. It returns the original string with no changes if nothing needs to be done, otherwise it escapes those characters with the "\" character so that linux and cifs can use the string.

    Version 1.2
    Added 2 new methods and changed 1.

    Added GetGigsFree(String Path) This returns the freespace of a partition in gigabytes as a double

    Added GetFreespace(String Path) This returns the freespace of a partition in bytes as a Long

    Changed GetDiskFree(String Path) to GetDiskstats(String Path) It still returns a formatted STRING of values.

    Updated the libtest.b4a project.

    Version 1.3
    Removed unused parameter from GetFreespace to avoid any confusion.

    Version 1.4
    Changed OS calls to look for busybox by default. Samsung and others do not offer common OS calls in their ROMs, but (at least in Samsungs case) they include busybox on the device, which solves this problem.

    Version 1.41
    Changed the cp and cpr methods. If the cp command is not present on the OS version, both use native methods to copy the file or do a recursive copy of the directory tree. These methods do not honor root access, so normal permissions are used.

    Version 1.42
    Minor change to the GetGigsFree and GetFreespace methods to try to ensure they return accurate results.

    Version 1.43
    Actually made version 1.42 changes work. About time! :)

    Version 1.44
    Added the Exists method to test if a file or directory exists.

    Version 1.45
    Fixes some zip extraction weirdness. NOTE: The order of fromDir and toDir have been changed! Also the destination directory will now be created if needed in both ExtractFilesFromDir() and ExtractFiles.

    Version 1.47
    Added GetExtSd method to find a mounted external (add-on_ sd card. Lots or rewrites and optimizations. The Samba routines are mostly rewritten and are now very reliable. Better authentication in all samba methods as well. More error correction and detection.

    Version 1.50
    Separated the local files and smb files into 2 libraries.
MLsmb Version 1.51
Corrected headers that got changed during the library separation process. Attached MLsmb-1.51.zip to correct this issue.



  • MLFiles-1.50.zip
    42.4 KB · Views: 1,315
  • MLsmb-1.51.zip
    19.1 KB · Views: 996
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes it is, and yes you'll need root to mount the drive.

--- Jem
Hello Jem,
Would you happen to have an example of code to Mount a drive. I Think a have a pretty good handle on CIFS.
But I not sure how to place it in code with your library.
thanks for any help, Carter


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Very much like mounting an NFS system.

mount -t cifs // /mnt/share -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD

This would mount the share "Sharename" on this smb server at /mnt/share on your device, and supply the username and password. You can use the rootcmd in mlfiles to do this.

--- Jem


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey Jem,
Thank you for the help.
I think I got what you are saying, but I'm not sure about the arguments Args, StdOut and StdErr.
this is what I have so far:
Dim MountCmd As MLfiles
MountCmd.RootCmd("mount -t cifs //$ /mnt/drive -o domain=Domain,username=User,password=Pass",?,?,?,False)

thanks again, Carter


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey Jem,
Thank you for the help.
I think I got what you are saying, but I'm not sure about the arguments Args, StdOut and StdErr.
this is what I have so far:
Dim MountCmd As MLfiles
MountCmd.RootCmd("mount -t cifs //$ /mnt/drive -o domain=Domain,username=User,password=Pass",?,?,?,False)

thanks again, Carter

Just add a couple stringbuilders something like:
dim sb1, sb2 as stringbuilder

MountCmd.RootCmd("mount -t cifs // /mnt/drive -o domain=Domain,username=User,password=Pass","",sb1,sb2,False)

the sb's will return any reply or error from the command. the args is not required since you are sending everything in the command string (which should work just fine). otherwise it would be the options for the mount command (everything after "mount").

--- Jem


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ah, now I get it!
I was thinking I needed to send something, funny how you can get stuck in a mind set.
I will give it a try.
thanks again for all the help, Carter


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Version 1.50 is attached to the first post. It separates the files and SMB methods into 2 libraries.

--- Jem


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
This is just a bump to remind people that this library exists.

--- Jem


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
i´m trying to test the smbtst example,i add the library but says if i´m missing the library.
You know what happends?
thank you


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
You need to download the jcifs library from the link at the end of the first post and put it in your additional libraries directory.

--- Jem


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Parsing code.                          Error
Error parsing program.
Error description: Unknown type: mlsmb
Are you missing a library reference?
Occurred on line: 16
Dim sf As MLsmb
is for not insert the library,i know
bur the library is in


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
make sure that mlsmb is checked in the libraries tab and that mlsmb.jar and jcifs.jar is in your additional libraries directory. That's all it takes for b4a to find them.

--- Jem


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
make sure that mlsmb is checked in the libraries tab and that mlsmb.jar and jcifs.jar is in your additional libraries directory. That's all it takes for b4a to find them.

--- Jem
HI Hotshoe,
I have the same problem.
MLsmb tab is checked (v 1.50) but cannot see jcifs tab.
In the zip file of jcifs.zip there is only jcifs.jar but there isn't jcifs.xml


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
jcifs is required by the MLsmb library, It will not show up in the IDE. It should be copied to your Additional Libraries directory along with the MLsmb.jar and MLsmb.xml files.

--- Jem


Licensed User
Longtime User
same error from me. jcifs.jar and MLsmb.jar are in the same lib directory.



Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I use it in several apps and can't reproduce this. The MLsmb library must be checked in the libraries tab, and MLsmb.jar, MLsmb.xml, and jcifs.jar must be in your additional libraries directory.

--- Jem


Licensed User
Longtime User

can I use this lib to copy an edited version of the build.prop to /system/?

I am having a bit of trouble doing this via code. The device is rooted as e.g. romtoolboxlite can be used to edit /system/build.prop manually and that saves just fine..

But if I use code like

busybox cp /mnt/sdcard/whatever.txt /system/build.prop

I get ''read only file system'' returned :-(




Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I use it in several apps and can't reproduce this. The MLsmb library must be checked in the libraries tab, and MLsmb.jar, MLsmb.xml, and jcifs.jar must be in your additional libraries directory.

--- Jem
hello ,

same error here, i tried all sort of combinations , but the lib reference to MLsmb does not show up (though it is there in IDE Tab)

could you see into this?
