File Permissions Issues?


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Hey everyone,

Great to be a part of the Android Dev using this software. Well, my first issue is, I'm trying to open examples found here on the forums. When I download them, I can not do the usuall right click and extract to a folder, I have to open the file and manually take the files and put them into a folder I created before hand, also, when I click on the file to load it, saying access to the path is denied.

I can open the saved file examples in notepad ++ without a problem, when I paste the code to B4A editor, it wont save it from there either. Tells me when I save it:

Error saving file. File may be corrupted. Try to save again. Its recommended to copy the code to a text file before closing. And thats when I get the denied message. I've never had issues with any other software like this on my computer until now.

Is there a work around for this? What am I doing wrong? Thank much for the help...
