Hi all,
I state that it is the first time that I load an app on the app store and I have already followed all the tutorials of
@Erel to get to have an .ipa file ready for upload on the app store. More precisely, I arrived at point 7 of the "Publishing your app to the App Store" tutorial.
As per tutorial "(Local Mac) - Upload ipa to Apple Connect without Application Loader" I'm using the command (appropriately parameterized) to load the ipa file generated by B4i and I get this error (within the mac shell):
"Error: No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier ‘clientname.ios.appname’ is correct. App Store operation failed. (-19000)"
Looking in the forum I realized that I had to define a new app in "App Store Connect" but when I have to select the package ID I don't see any package name inside the drop-down box (as per image).
Actually in the "Identifiers" section of my developer account I have defined the wildcard identifier for the app: "clientname.ios. *", So why is it not displayed to me?
All'interno della mia app B4i ho anche specificato queste istruzioni condizionali:
#ProvisionFile: appname_appstore.mobileprovision
#ProvisionFile: provision_appname_iphone5s.mobileprovision
Furthermore, the certificate I am using is of the "iOS Distribution" type, therefore of the correct type.
I need to upload the app as soon as possible but I can't continue because of the problem above :-(
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.