B4J Question Form not updating when switching between host session and RDP session


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Dear All,

I have a host computer in a room upstairs and a thin client on a raspberry pi downstairs used to log in to the host computer.
The screen resolution of the two may be not exactly the same, or at least I see that Windows always tries to adept everything so that it fits, when I go from one computer to the other one.
But what also - sometimes - happens is that a b4j app that frequently updates the form with a counter stops doing so, although it continues to run as it should.

Is there a way to resolve this?

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Does the form go black?
That I have seen a few times as well, but I think that was when not logging in and out to/from host and client machine, so in other words in the same session on the same computer.

But what would be the trick if the form goes black? If there is such a trick, maybe it would also work here.
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Start with manually.

Overall it sounds like a JavaFX issue.
Thanks Erel, it happened again, and manually resizing the form made it active again. If there´s no solution to this other than that, I´m pretty fine with it.
Edit: I just went from one computer to the other, opposite of the above where the resizing solved the problem, and this time it did not reactivate the form.
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So maybe my last post was a bit confusing, as I confirmed the solution to be fine at first. But later I added the edit, telling that it´s not always solving the problem. Hence, I´d like to know if there´s another solution to this?
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Not that I know of. This is a JavaFX issue.

Make sure to use OpenJDK 19.
Thanks Erel, now I have updated the JDK and my first attempt to create the issue seems to confirm that the problem is solved.
However, another - not very significant - issue was introduced with the update. In the log within B4J, the special character "å" is now showing as "�". Any way to fix that?
So I should add that I also downloaded javafx 22 and put that in the folder. After a while, I did not only get the above error but also a problem where in b4j´s editor itself I would see a bunch of icons on top of my code.
I then went back to use the older version of javafx I used before (not sure which one that is, but I keep on using OpenJDK 19 for now) and now the problem is gone, but instead I´ll get a black screen for the UI if I log out and in of the remote computer.
So ... which javafx version should I combine OpenJDK 19 with?
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