Wouldn't it be fairer to discuss this on a Delphi forum or by PM anymore? This has nothing to do with B4X anymore.
I thought ChitChat is for discussing anything under the sun.
Anyways I have never used Delphi for creating a web server except playing with IntraWeb, but I have tried my hands on DWScript and I immediately ran away from it because it is totally non visual.
In VB6 I have used the fabulous and free VBRichClinet5 and created a server which helped me convert SQLite DB to a multi user server. Again this was not a web server.
But when it comes to a web server and Basic or Pascal or C# I still prefer to use Morfix which is not actively developed for many years now but it is still relevant and truly usable once you cross its not so steep learning curve.
I have also not tried to use ABM for building web apps because its learning curve is very steep for my taste (at the moment) and it is completely non-visual though it seems to be powerful.
Alan I would personally advise you to look up Morfik and try your hands on it. To get the idea as to how you can make ABM visual and easy to learn and use.
And with advent of AI it won't be long before someone releases an IDE that will use AI to complete or correct wrong syntax typed by user.
I believe that in current world any development tool which is not visual, intuitive and easy to grasp and learn will become irrelevant faster then fades of fashion. The tool should be so easy that even a casual user can build something in it and one should not need to be professional programmer to build software as per the ideas he/she has.