I know jumping around in code is not considered professional, but since I'm an amateur, is there a way to do that?
I can't believe that "goto" a simple time saving feature of basic, a language that you can sit and program a working example in minutes, is explicitly excommunicated!The VB6-to-B4A table in this thread has been cleaned up and moved to a new thread: http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4andr...orials/9347-converting-vb6-b4a.html#post51712
The new thread is a sticky and should be limited to corrections and additions to the conversion table. Pros and cons of GoTo, etc., can continue to be posted to this thread.
Thanks for everyone's input.
Guess what here's how to do it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_bytecode_instruction_listings.
Yes two or more goto instructions in Java Bytecode.
goto a7 2: branchbyte1, branchbyte2 [no change] goes to another instruction at branchoffset (signed short constructed from unsigned bytes branchbyte1 << 8 + branchbyte2)
goto_w c8 4: branchbyte1, branchbyte2, branchbyte3, branchbyte4 [no change] goes to another instruction at branchoffset (signed int constructed from unsigned bytes branchbyte1 << 24 + branchbyte2 << 16 + branchbyte3 << 8 + branchbyte4)
"The missing "GOTO" that a lot of you are complaining about is missing for a reason."
Yea that reason is nobody's bothered to code it....!