Hi !
Sorry my bad english ..
I Had this error "Invalid Path" using the FTP Server example. Only List comand works.
Looking at source file FTPClient.bas in FTPServer.bxlib (Version 1.10) routine NormalizePath it compares
the mServer.Basedir with getCanonicalPath with the mServer.Basedir, and if it is diferent return this error.
So ... I set my Basedir with CanonicalPath
mServer.BaseDir = File.DirInternal
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.InitializeNewInstance("java.io.File", Array(File.Combine(File.DirInternal, "")))
Dim CanonicalPath As String = jo.RunMethod("getCanonicalPath", Null)
mServer.BaseDir = CanonicalPath
Log ("DirInternal = " & File.DirInternal)
Log ("CanonicalPath = " & CanonicalPath)
the log shows :
DirInternal = /data/user/0/scm.painel/files
CanonicalPath = /data/data/scm.painel/files
I guess that this have to do whih Linux synlink
After this "solution" the FTP Server works ok !
The question is :
Is this a real solution ?
Rubens Jr.