B4J Tutorial FXThemes


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Longtime User
So to check I understand this, the code is to change the colour/style of the 'main' window. As snaptolayout already works on any b4j window.


Licensed User
Longtime User
So to check I understand this, the code is to change the colour/style of the 'main' window. As snaptolayout already works on any b4j window.
Yes works... but if UNDECORATED form.. and total custom controls - then "snap to layout" not showing...

@stevel05 do you want to make a diffrent thread for this... ? or it is not problem ? - i am keep trying the messages...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Only problem I have is that packager cant find com.sun.jna.platform when trying to package the app.
I've been trying to get to the bottom of this, I think it's something to do with the way that the FXTheme jar has been packaged, but I don't fully understand why. If anyone has any insights please let me know.
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