Android Question GDPR and Firebase Admob


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I'm a bit confused with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Do we have to update our Firebase Admob SDK to comply with the new standard and obtain user consent to show them ads?
If so, how and when to do it?


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If I understand correctly Google haven't yet released this SDK. Will probably happen in a few days.
Note: The Consent SDK will be made available by mid-May. The functionality, however, will not take effect until May 25, 2018. Please do not attempt to use these APIs before May 25, because they may disrupt ad serving on your app.
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and what about mediation in admob? will this stop working if they don't detect the right sdk in the mediation adapter?

Chartboost for example released a new SDK just for this gdpr misery.
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B4X founder
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Tutorial about Google consent SDK:

You can see a bit of information about mediation at the end of this page:

As I understand it, and I haven't checked it deeply, it is enough to enable the relevant providers in the AdMob EU consent page (see the tutorial).

It will look like this if the user clicks on the "learn how ... and our partners collect and use data" link:

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