Android Question Get App version in google play store - help needed

Zeev Goldstein

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can anyone help on the easiest way to get the current app's version from play store?

as alternative what will be the easiest way to check if there is an update in play store so i can show a message to update to the user

a short sample to the suggested solution will very helpful

thank you


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Store a txt file on your Server with the newest app-Version.
Download the file with okhttputils2 and compare to the running app.
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Zeev Goldstein

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Store a txt file on your Server with the newest app-Version.
Download the file with okhttputils2 and compare to the running app.
thank you for your rapid answer
if i store a file on my server it will have a huge delay against app availability on app store
as it might take days until it shows in the store so i will show false messages

on pc apps that's exactly what i do and it is a perfect solution
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if i store a file on my server it will have a huge delay against app availability on app store
as it might take days until it shows in the store so i will show false messages
I don´t know a Api which you could use. Find one and we can help you port it.
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Zeev Goldstein

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I don´t know a Api which you could use. Find one and we can help you port it.
i did search - couldn't find anything
i wanted to use the txt file but users got messages about an update and there was nothing in the store as it takes days to show
i was somehow sure someone had already popped this issue before me

how other developers manage this issue?
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thank you for your rapid answer
if i store a file on my server it will have a huge delay against app availability on app store
as it might take days until it shows in the store so i will show false messages

on pc apps that's exactly what i do and it is a perfect solution

I have an app in which I used my own server as DonManfred Suggested.
One thing I do is, I do not update the version number on my server until I get an alert that the NEW UPDATE of the app has been approved and available on the store first.
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Zeev Goldstein

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I don´t know, sorry. I do not have any app in Playstore.
oh, so how do you distribute your apps?
if directly as an apk from your server the client will have to download it and authorize external installation that will show him a warning etc
many clients will not like this i think as it might be taken as insecure app
am i wrong?
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Zeev Goldstein

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I have an app in which I used my own server as DonManfred Suggested.
One thing I do is, I do not update the version number on my server until I get an alert that the NEW UPDATE of the app has been approved and available on the store first.
this will mean that you need to keep watching the existence of the update in play store and then update the txt file
bit of a headache no?
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I have the play console app on my device and I get notifications for app approval and notifications from user reviews and ratings (my way responding to user reviews quick)

Besides that, you will get email alert as well. It may be a bit of headache, few may crash but will recover eventually.

I will lookout for any API which can help you achieve this. All the best
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Zeev Goldstein

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I have the play console app on my device and I get notifications for app approval and notifications from user reviews and ratings (my way responding to user reviews quick)

Besides that, you will get email alert as well. It may be a bit of headache, few may crash but will recover eventually.

I will lookout for any API which can help you achieve this. All the best
MANY thanks!
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many clients will not like this i think as it might be taken as insecure app
Yes and no.
If they download it from your website (or get mailed directly by you) their concern wouldn't be so high. Afterall they trust you for what the app does once installed..
I generally instruct them to allow "unknow sources" just for the time to download my app, then set it back to its "not allowed" state.

Yes, there are risks involved when you leave the perfect(?), safe and fantastic close-world solutions offered by Google and Apple. But I value my freedom most.
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Zeev Goldstein

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Yes and no.
If they download it from your website (or get mailed directly by you) their concern wouldn't be so high. Afterall they trust you for what the app does once installed..
I generally instruct them to allow "unknow sources" just for the time to download my app, then set it back to its "not allowed" state.

Yes, there are risks involved when you leave the perfect(?), safe and fantastic close-world solutions offered by Google and Apple. But I value my freedom most.
that's also an approach
however the play store allows random potential clients to download it and play with it
client wise i think using the store is easier and (in my personal opinion) better
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Sure. I guess it depends on the kind of app and, more important, the intended audience for it.
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Maybe this API can be used (specifically the getAppUpdateInfo method):

UPDATE: Which looks like it is used in the lib that @Marvel mentioned in post #15 above:

  • GetAppUpdateInfo As void
    Checking whether there is an update that is available from the play store.
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Hi there...

If you just browse your google play app page with HttpJob (.download the page and check the string position you need for) for example:


Current Version
* check for specific div.. "current version" and count some chars....

It will do the job i think !
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Zeev Goldstein

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thank you for your replies - got the perfect solution that also directly updates the app
i use InAppUpdate Library as suggested and it works like charm

thank you all,

i can say that this topic is resolved
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If post #15 was the fix, please mark it as the "solution" for this thread :)
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