This other code:
Dim p As Phone
Dim T As String
t = p.GetSettings ("location_providers_allowed")
return blank.. This is comment in
I created an android app and the app work perfectly in android below 12. I get crash when app run in android 12 and the error is about the below line. provider variable is null and I don't know why...
i have other code to initilize flp previsouly;:
but, maybe my problem can solved replacing the p.GetSettings ("location_providers_allowed") code
the stop (no return value) only success if are select for app:
Only while using the app:
(other question, i can view 'all the time'
You can let apps use your device's location to take action for you or give you information. For example, apps can use your device's location to display commute traffic or find nearby restaurants. Imp
i continue testing..