Android Question GIF animation


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What kind of animation does Basic4android support.
I used gif animation but only static image display.
Please help!


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A question related to that one : when you download a file in the notification bar there is an animated arrow. Please do you know how they do that ?
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Jeffrey Cameron

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Just my two cents here....

When you say "animation" I envision a series of images of depicting a character walking, a horse galloping, a fire exploding, etc. For things like that then a true graphics solution (such as Informatix's LibGDX) is absolutely required -- trying to manually animate individual frames is not only cumbersome it takes a lot of processing overhead.

If your "animation" is just one static image rotating on a fixed point, shrinking, growing or moving across the screen then utilizing Informatix's AnimationPlus library (which I believe is an extension of Earl's original) is much simpler and provides outstanding results.

For what it's worth...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Just my two cents here....

When you say "animation" I envision a series of images of depicting a character walking, a horse galloping, a fire exploding, etc. For things like that then a true graphics solution (such as Informatix's LibGDX) is absolutely required -- trying to manually animate individual frames is not only cumbersome it takes a lot of processing overhead.

If your "animation" is just one static image rotating on a fixed point, shrinking, growing or moving across the screen then utilizing Informatix's AnimationPlus library (which I believe is an extension of Earl's original) is much simpler and provides outstanding results.

For what it's worth...
No need for libGDX. AnimationPlus can do it, GameView can do it, Accelerated Surface can do it, ...
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