Android Question GIF animation


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What kind of animation does Basic4android support.
I used gif animation but only static image display.
Please help!


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A question related to that one : when you download a file in the notification bar there is an animated arrow. Please do you know how they do that ?
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Jeffrey Cameron

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Just my two cents here....

When you say "animation" I envision a series of images of depicting a character walking, a horse galloping, a fire exploding, etc. For things like that then a true graphics solution (such as Informatix's LibGDX) is absolutely required -- trying to manually animate individual frames is not only cumbersome it takes a lot of processing overhead.

If your "animation" is just one static image rotating on a fixed point, shrinking, growing or moving across the screen then utilizing Informatix's AnimationPlus library (which I believe is an extension of Earl's original) is much simpler and provides outstanding results.

For what it's worth...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
No need for libGDX. AnimationPlus can do it, GameView can do it, Accelerated Surface can do it, ...
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