Wish Github


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git / github integration with b4x ?,

like these ones have..what's their name....ah. android studio.
what's beautiful about b4x is that you can almost find everything in one place 99.9%
with android studio you have to use google or stackoverflow or other engines just to find something so simple but about 20-30 minutes wasted by searching and trying solutions.
With B4X all you need to do is just use the search bar and you are good to go :)

for me i don't think this feature would be great because the sources/libraries/Snippets will be scattered


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Not all users use git, and not all git users use GitHub. Just use one of the many excellent dedicated clients instead.


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Well, if there is an option to use it, why not?You don't need to use it, right. Just like any other major IDE.
I think Git support is very important. If I had that I could more easily work together with other developers, I could easily revert any code, I could create a branch and even use Git as a backup option instead of the current one which make my IDE to lag occasionally.
Can't really see why Git cannot be implemented within the IDE, especially these days when it is standard in most tools.


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If I had that I could more easily work together with other developers, I could easily revert any code, I could create a branch and even use Git as a backup option instead of the current one which make my IDE to lag occasionally.
You really need the git client to be in the IDE for those things to work for you? I would be interested in hearing what didn't work when you tried an external git client.

For the record, I use an external client for Mercurial, and it works great.

Also, it's not free to include something like this in the IDE. It will take Erel time to implement and support. I'd rather see him working on stuff nobody else can do, like move B4X itself forward.


Well-Known Member
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Not all users use git, and not all git users use GitHub. Just use one of the many excellent dedicated clients instead.

That was my initial thought as well. There are plenty of good git repo managers, it would seem to be a waste of good resources to try to get something comparable into the IDE. Maybe at some point in the future...


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Comment link to open github desktop with the current project:
'github desktop ide://run?file=%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe&Args=/c&Args=github&Args=..\..\
This is for a B4XPages project. For a non-B4XPages project the Args should be ..\
I find it to be very convenient.



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Comment link to open github desktop with the current project:
'github desktop ide://run?file=%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe&Args=/c&Args=github&Args=..\..\
This is for a B4XPages project. For a non-B4XPages project the Args should be ..\
I find it to be very convenient.

I would still add to .gitignore:


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