This library will allow you to create nice charts using the Google Charts API.
1- B4A 4.3x.
2- The CloudPrint library.
3- The WebViewExtras library.
4- Internet connection.
5- Copy the GoogleCharts.xml and GoogleCharts.jar to your additional libraries directory.
The charts included are:
- Pie (3D and Donut).
- Bar.
- Combo (Bar, Area, Stepped Area, Line).
- Histogram.
- Scatter.
- Bubble.
- Geo.
- Use custom fonts (Online fonts via Google Fonts or local).
- Save charts.
- Print charts.
For more details about the use of this library please check the attached project.
You can try the attached APK if you just want to see what the library can do.
1- B4A 4.3x.
2- The CloudPrint library.
3- The WebViewExtras library.
4- Internet connection.
5- Copy the GoogleCharts.xml and GoogleCharts.jar to your additional libraries directory.
'Initialize the library
Private gChart As GoogleCharts
gChart.Initialize(ChartView, Me, "Chart", True)
gChart.AddOnlineCustomFontToChart = "Roboto:100" 'The font name is CASE SENSITIVE.
gChart.PieChartTitle = "My daily activities (hours)"
gChart.PieChartTitleStyle("purple", "roboto", 30, False, True)
gChart.PieChartLegend("right", "blue", "roboto", 20, False, False)
gChart.PieChart3D = True
gChart.PieChartSliceText = "percentage"
gChart.PieChartSliceLabelAndValue("Work", 11)
gChart.PieChartSliceLabelAndValue("Eat", 2)
gChart.PieChartSliceLabelAndValue("Commute", 2)
gChart.PieChartSliceLabelAndValue("Watch TV", 2)
gChart.PieChartSliceLabelAndValue("Sleep", 7)
gChart.PieChartSetSliceOffset("Watch TV", 3)
The charts included are:
- Pie (3D and Donut).
- Bar.
- Combo (Bar, Area, Stepped Area, Line).
- Histogram.
- Scatter.
- Bubble.
- Geo.
- Use custom fonts (Online fonts via Google Fonts or local).
- Save charts.
- Print charts.
For more details about the use of this library please check the attached project.
You can try the attached APK if you just want to see what the library can do.