Android Question Google Map Marker problem - other library items called Marker?


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I'm implementing Google Maps in some of my apps and have come across a stranger Marker problem

I'm using this:
Dim m0 As Marker = gmap.AddMarker2(ST3LatDouble, ST3LongDouble, "My Position", gmap.HUE_GREEN)
m0.Snippet = PositionText
But in one of the apps it is saying Snippet is an unknown member.
(If I comment out the snippet line it just fails on the Marker line)
I have other apps with exactly the same Activity Module and there it works fine.

There is adifference when I in B4a hoover over the word Marker. Where it works it says:

Search online

An icon placed on the map. Call GoogleMap.AddMarker to create such a marker

Where it don't work, the last line is missing.

I thought I had inadvertently created another variable called Marker but I have used Quick Search
and no such is present.

The only library difference is that for the app where it don't work the Reflection library is included.
And I'm using an Activity called "SensorModule" to get some G-force data.

Question1: is there other libraries where there is an item called Marker that could confuse when used with the GoogleMaps and GoogleMapsExtras libraries.
Alternatively: Is there another function I can use instead of Marker, that has nearly the same functionality.


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Which methods do appear after you type '.' ?

These are the options after the dot:
HOTSPOT_ (x10)
Initialize2 (up to 6)

So based on MarkerHotSpot it must be the OSMDroid library that is conflicting; I'll get past it now.
Tried to leave the old mapping module in as an alternative to Google Maps, but it looks like it won't work.
Strange; I have that library in 2 other apps with the same Activity Module, and they are not conflicting there.
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