Deleted member 103
Questa è la risposta se scrivi e quel indirizzo:Però ho trovato questo, in fondo alla pagina "Norme del programma di Google Play per gli sviluppatori":
In caso di rimozione dell'app da Google Play, lo sviluppatore riceverà un'email di notifica a riguardo. Per eventuali domande o dubbi relativi a una rimozione oppure a una valutazione o commento di un utente, è possibile contattarci all'indirizzo http://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer.
We have reviewed your appeal and will not be reinstating your app. This decision is final and we will not be responding to any additional emails regarding this removal.
If your account is still in good standing and the nature of your app allows for republishing you may consider releasing a new, policy compliant version of your app to Google Play under a new package name. We are unable to comment further on the specific policy basis for this removal or provide guidance on bringing future versions of your app into policy compliance. Instead, please reference the REASON FOR REMOVAL in the initial notification email from Google Play.
Please note that additional violations may result in a suspension of your Google Play Developer account.
The Google Play Team
On 12/09/14 22:39:55 fil1503@gmail.com wrote:
registered_email_address: fil1503@gmail.com
abuse_type: spam_kws
package_name: fg.Crono4Timekeeper_pro
appeal_reason: Hi,
I had replied to her email on 27/10/2014 and so I thought it would be OK
Please unblock my app so I can remove all keyword.
When I publish the app under other name then get my customer no longer
I'm sorry, it was not my intention.
I now have these 2 keyword removed, it is ok so? If not, what is still
keyword: Brantz. Terratrip.
:---- Automatically added fields ----:
Language: en
IIILanguage: en
auto-helpcenter-id: 203
auto-helpcenter-name: googleplay/android-developer
auto-internal-helpcenter-name: androidmarket
auto-user-logged-in: true
auto-user-was-internal: false
IssueType: appappeals
form-id: appappeals
form: appappeals
AutoDetectedBrowser: Firefox 33.0
AutoDetectedOS: Windows Windows NT 5.1
Filippo Gozza <fil1503@gmail.com>
an Google
Thank you Google Play team, you are very customer friendly.