Does anyone have a working sample of google play billing 7 library? All the examples in the forum are parts of code that don't properly explain where the code is to be placed and the main thread for the library has an example that doesn't work for subscriptions.
I am testing the new GooglePlayBilling library v7.00 I get an error on line #99 when calling LaunchBillingFlow for subscriptions. Result = billing.LaunchBillingFlow(SkuDetails.Get(0)) SkuDetails.Get(0) has value: ProductDetails{jsonString='{"productId":"weekly_1","type":"subs","title":"Weekly...
This is a modified example, based in the original example from @Erel. The previous example only make purchases. This new example utilizes the Google Play Billing library v.7, changes the purchase to subscription and remove the ads. Due the requirements of the new library version, you need to...
Version: 18.0 Google Play: I make a demo for testing the in-app purchase function to be use in my other app. You can download the demo or contact me if you want to become an Alpha tester. Note: Alpha tester can make...