B4A Library GoogleMapsExtras

GoogleMapsExtras is an ongoing project to implement more of the Google Maps Android v2 classes in Basic4Android.

Currently the library allows you to create these objects:

Tutorials for each object will be uploaded to the Google Maps Android v2 tutorial thread.



  • GoogleMapsExtras_v1_71.zip
    59.6 KB · Views: 2,887
  • MapsForgeTileProvider_v1.01.zip
    173.1 KB · Views: 2,768
  • GoogleMapsExtras_v2_0_library_files.zip
    82.5 KB · Views: 3,189
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Sorry I was't clear in my first post. Here are the declarations
Sub Globals
    Dim MapFragment1 As MapFragment
    Dim GoogleMap1 As GoogleMap
    Dim GoogleMapsExtras1 As GoogleMapsExtras
    Dim MapPanel As Panel
End Sub


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Try this as a quick test:

Dim Marker1 As Marker = gmap.AddMarker(Lat, Lng, "Title")

I've been working on an app and have had my markers working very well for some time now. I used the above method using gmap.AddMarker (instead of yours where you are using GoogleMapsExtras1.AddMarker) to add markers to my map.

I only have 2 uses of "GoogleMapsExtras1," they are:

Dim GoogleMapsExtras1 As GoogleMapsExtras
GoogleMapsExtras1.SetInfoWindowAdapter(gmap, InfoWindowAdapter1)

The second line is to have InfoWindows for my markers, so you wouldn't use that if you don't want it.


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Hi Stealth
Thanks for your reply. if you look closely at my first post, you can see that I commented out this code
'      MyMarker = gmap.AddMarker(43.6953, -79.6152, "Hello!!!")
'      Dim cp As CameraPosition
'      cp.Initialize(36, 15, gmap.CameraPosition.Zoom)
'      gmap.AnimateCamera(cp)

Yes, you are absolutely right. This code works no problem, I was just trying to explore the feature of GoogleMapExtras and that's when I faced the issue.


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Hi martin,

Is there any changes on the ground overlay?

I try to use with a picture and coordinates on my own, but is not working right, the area is ok, but the image is not drawn complete.

So I downloaded your sample, but with the same results.

The image is not complete. Tested on a S4 with KitKat and other with Lollipop


Well, the solution is to use a picture with power of two dimentions. (128, 256, 512, 1024...)


  • test.png
    65.9 KB · Views: 338
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Hi, I've been using this library but to remove circles or markers I have to do "GoogleMap.Clear".
Is there a better way to remove just one Marker or one Circle?
I'm adding markers like this: "GoogleMapExtras.AddMarker(GoogleMap, MarkerOptions)"
I tried to use "GoogleMapExtras.AddMarker(GoogleMap, MarkerOptions).Remove" but doesn't work...the same for the circles.
Using my method causes some blinking to the markers on the map. And since I'm using user location real time positioning I have to refresh the map every second and I don't need to clear all the markers, only the user's marker.

Any one can help?

Thank's in advance.


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Both Circle and Marker have a Remove method that removes the object from the map.
You need to keep a reference to the Circle or Marker when it is created and then use that reference when you later want to call the Remove method.

MyMarker=GoogleMapExtras.AddMarker(GoogleMap, MarkerOptions)

' elsewhere in your code

If you don't keep a reference to the object when you create it you cannot later call it's Remove method.


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Thanks a lot warwound, works like a charm.

Is it possible to add multiple markers, from a list, at once to the map?
I'm adding one by one.
Since clearing the marks all at once is possible adding would be great.

Thank you for the support.


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GoogleMapsExtras updated to version 2.0

This library update contains 2 new objects:
  • CustomLocationSource
    • Activate (OnLocationChangedListener1 As OnLocationChangedListener)
    • Deactivate

Please Warwound, how is it possible to announce the deactivation with toast ?

This not work and suspendedcause.cause_service_disconnected, suspendedcause.cause_network_lost, too

Sub CustomLocationSource1_Deactivate
    '    stop listening for location updates
    ToastMessageShow("MyCustomLocationSource1 is disabled" , False)
End Sub


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Thanks a lot warwound, works like a charm.

Is it possible to add multiple markers, from a list, at once to the map?
I'm adding one by one.
Since clearing the marks all at once is possible adding would be great.

Thank you for the support.

You already know about the GoogleMap Clear method - that is your only alternative.
Either remove map overlays individually or remove all types of overlays at once.


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Please Warwound, how is it possible to announce the deactivation with toast ?

This not work and suspendedcause.cause_service_disconnected, suspendedcause.cause_network_lost, too

Sub CustomLocationSource1_Deactivate
    '    stop listening for location updates
    ToastMessageShow("MyCustomLocationSource1 is disabled" , False)
End Sub

Are you saying that your toast message does not display?
Instead the call to FusedLocationProvider causes a crash?

SetLocationSource (GoogleMap1 As GoogleMap, LocationSource1 As LocationSource)
Replaces the default location source of the MyLocation layer.
Pass Null to restore the default location source.

Try calling SetLocationSource(Null) before deactivating the CustomLocationSource.


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No sorry, but I have a problem with declaration (..... As LocationSource)


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Hi warwound and so long that you do not feel ... (OSMDroid4.1)

you can tell when I'm away from a track created with the Google API?

Request="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=" & STARTING_POINT_LAT &"," & STARTING_POINT_LON _
            & "&destination=" & END_POINT_LAT & "," & END_POINT_LON & "&sensor=false" _
                & "&mode=" & Value

I wanted to put on track a market but I would only do that if you are not too far from the track that I'm following.


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THanks for the tips warwaound,

Have another question, that was posted sometime ago but still have no solution:

Is it possible to have this effect on a marker? (Sliding effect)
Sliding a marker from a position to another.

An example can be seen here:

No there's no way to animate a change in a marker's location.
The link you posted shows how it can be done with the javascript based Google Maps API - the javascript based Google Maps API is far more feature packed than the android Google Maps library.


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Hi warwound and so long that you do not feel ... (OSMDroid4.1)

you can tell when I'm away from a track created with the Google API?

Request="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=" & STARTING_POINT_LAT &"," & STARTING_POINT_LON _
            & "&destination=" & END_POINT_LAT & "," & END_POINT_LON & "&sensor=false" _
                & "&mode=" & Value

I wanted to put on track a market but I would only do that if you are not too far from the track that I'm following.

Does this distance need to be 'road distance' or could it be 'as the crow flies' distance?
If 'as the crow flies' distance is acceptable then you could simply use the Location object's DistanceTo method to get the distance instead of performing a query to a web service.
You'd need to initialize a Location object for both start point and end point.