This solution works PERFECTLY!
I shall look at integrating the CustomTileProvider and Tile objects into GoogleMapsExtras shortly.
The fact that your generated tiles are cached is good news and must help performance enormously.
proj4 page states:
Status: Currently this library is still being created, and is not yet ready for download
It's in an alpha stage of development presumably?
Have you any experience of the
JTS Topology Suite?
Do you know if it can do the conversion of coordinates from different projections?
It looks to me as if it works with 2d cartesian coordinates only and has no support for different project systems - but i could be wrong.
I did try to wrap the JTS Topology Suite into a b4a library a long while back but never had time to complete the project, and these days i have even less free time so it's unlikely i could complete the wrapper anytime soon.
But it looks to be a very comprehensive and useful library.
b4a has the
Geodesic class module available:
The attached class allows you to convert coordinates between Lat Lon coordinates and UTM coordinates.
The conversion is done with WGS84 datum. Note that the class code can handle other datums as well.
By 'other datums' does Erel mean it supports different projection systems?
If you look
here you'll see some java methods that can be used to convert tile numbers to latitude/longitude and vice versa - these are WSG84 conversions i'm sure.
Would these be useful to you or do you already have working methods to convert between tile numbers and WSG84 coordinates?
You're working with SQLite and spatial data, have you seen the
SpatiaLite update to SQLite?
There's more info
With SpatiaLite you store spatial features in your tables using spatial geometry types and make queries using spatial geometry clauses.
SpatiaLite also supports many different projection systems.
So you can store points, polylines and polygons (features) using the native SpatiaLite geometry types, and can make queries to get say all features within a bounding box, or within a defined distance of a point.
It's very powerful and makes easy work of storing spatial data in SQLite.
I have a working SpatiaLite b4a library - let me know if you are interested, also let me know if you'd still like to see the mapsforge library.