Is it possible for you to write two new methods to get the Latitude and Longitude from a GPGGA string rather than a GPRMC string? I have an app that receives GPGGA strings at 5 Hz and binary EM data at 10 Hz. I would prefer to only have a single gps data stream coming in rather than two, although maybe it doesn't make any difference, but I don't know. I'm using a Trimble Recon 400 MHz data collector with two serial ports. COM1 for gps is at 19200 baud and COM2 for EM is at 115200 baud. Maybe you can tell me whether I'm worrying about nothing or not. I haven't started to collect the binary data stream, but I plan to use an ASCII sentence with UTC Time, UTMx, UTMy, Elevation, HDOP, Number of Satellites and Fix Quality and then append the binary stream onto the end of it.