Graph settings


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I have to display a graph with multiple curves.
I saw the Graph sample application. I could not understood what is amplitude, offset and omega parameters.
I have around 200 X and Y points. Is it not possible to direct curve point value assigment without above parameters?

I want a similar kind of graph look as in attached image.
Please let me know the best possible settings for this.


  • graph.png
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Thanks Erel, I could able to use the Refector now.
Thanks Claus, the graph line looks smooth now after filtering.
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For the X and Y scales I am displaying the values like by rounding it to the nearest integer. For example 15760 etc. values.
While displaying in the graph scales I wanted to display it by appending commas for every 3rd digit.
For example if I have value 15760, in the graph it should display as 15,760 (inserting a ',' in between). 15760 is the string converted from number to display in the graph.
Is there any format methods to format like this?
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Did you try this function:
Dim strN As String   :strN="15760"
Msgbox(NumberFormat2(strN,0,0,0,True),"")   'returns 15,760
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Scroll inside a graph grid view


I am able to display the graph now with all the required things. Thanks for the help to all.

But now I need another thing. I need to draw a graph and grid with scroll option only inside the grid area, like when I hold to a point on grid area, I should be able to scroll the graph in all the directions. other area, views outside the grid should be in fixed position like that.

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