Great Start


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One day and I was able to get a simple app running.....great work guys....

The only thing I am struggling with is my device emulator is not working all that well, it takes several clicks to activate a control and the window the device emulator is in flickers as if refreshing, this also happens when you click anywhere on the emulator. It also appears to be slow. Any thoughts ??

PS. I installed all elements as per your instructions...

I am now looking for a device....again thanks for the great work..


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Performance issue

I have a 2 year old laptop running Win7...It appears a little under powered for the android emulator, I have turned off all the fancy display options and this has made a big improvement, things work a lot smoother although as you said it is still a wee bit slow. I cant wait to create my first useful app. I am looking for a device I dont have a lot of cash so I may not be able to get a device with the latest Android version, will this be a problem ?? What versions can I choose ??
Thanks again
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I am looking for a device I dont have a lot of cash so I may not be able to get a device with the latest Android version
I too found the emulator rather frustrating but didn't want to spend several hundred pounds sterling on a phone. Here in the UK the Orange mobile network have just launched the ZTE-Blade as an own brand phone they call the San Francisco for an astonishing £99 without a contract on pay as you go so I bought one. It is fantastic value with all the goodies you would expect from a phone three times the price - Android 2.1, 480 x 800 capacitive touch OLED screen. GPS, etc, etc. To put it into perspective a Samsung Galaxy Tab has just launched here and Tesco (a grocery chain not noted for it's high prices) is offering it for £529. :sign0137:

If the ZTE-Blade is available to you at a price within your reach then I can thoroughly recommend it.

I've also got a cheap Chinese Eken M001 7" tablet that cost £65. They are widely available here on Ebay so I guess they are available to you as well. But unfortunately it can't run the Designer which is a pity as its resistive screen would make precise control positioning easier than on the phone which is capacitive. It's almost impossible to pick up the control sizing handles using a finger on the phone.

Details of my device experiences are here Connecting your device
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Got a device

Just got a new samsung galaxy 5 running a2.1 @ aud$199 a fairly small screen but a very nice device and now I can go to town with development....

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