Android Tutorial Grid Sample


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Take the latest ProApp Grid Sample, starting from line 151 till 172 is shown how to select/deselect a row/field.
The main function is called on line 166: Grid.ToggleRowSelection(grdSample, objRow)



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I tried to use your grid and works OK. But I have two problems. One is while the grid is being loaded at the footer row I see "java.lang.Object@.." instead of summary value. I debugged the code somehow objColumn.SummaryValue contains this value. But after the grid is loaded I see the correct values. Second is about summary value formatting. At the end of grid loading process I see objColumn.SummaryValue like "1278.01000005" but It doesn't get formatted because again (objColumn.SummaryValue Is Float OR objColumn.SummaryValue Is Double) condition doesn't return True.

Thanks in advance.


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Nice grid!
A couple of questions:
I have a grid of radio buttons (first column is text). Each row has several radio buttons within. When you touch a radio button in a row, they toggle perfectly. I need each row to be logically "connected" so that the radio button selections within each row toggle only the other radio buttons within THAT row. Right now, any radio button will toggle ALL radio buttons within the entire grid.
1. Is there a way to make the radio buttons toggle only those other radio buttons within the same row?

The background color(s) of the rows seems to be blue and green. I'm sure I've missed, but,
2. How do you change the background colors of the (alternating) rows?

I found the color changes within the Grid class...but I'm still interested in the radio check box toggle issue.

NEW question: Is there a way to find out in which row the radio button that was clicked resides?
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