Well, my keypunch machine's experience is very similar to what
@Diceman described, but a decade later.
It was 1982, engineering building of the oldest University at the world (Bologna, 1088). Long, badly-illuminated hallways sported a few keypunch machines having their keyboards' keys often made unreadable by the prolonged use. Once ready, our decks where taken to the mythical operators (those semi-gods having access to the restricted area where a PDP-11, a VAX 750 and a few other jewels where living). Then the wait for results began.
A few of us (well, I know for sure just another guy in addition to me), selected by the professor (the one sitting on the throne of that Olympus) were admitted to a small room with 6 to 8 terminals as a recognition for something (skill, dedication, luck..).
No cute girls around. Well, almost not girls at all (about 10 out of 410 for my first year..this explains why I spent some time in other departments as well..eheh)
Anyway, the funny part of the story is that many of us had at home PCs more powerful than those at the University. Mine was an Olivetti M20, a 16 bit machine, 128KB RAM, 320x200 graphics, two 5.25 floppies (not sure but I seem to remember 160KB on each side).
I can't believe it was 40yrs ago..tell me it was 10 and probably I could believe you, but forty...c'mon, it can't be.