Hello noob here, have trouble with the tutorial from the Beginners Guide.

The tutorial I am talking about is MyFirstProgram the math trainer for kids. On page 32, it tells me to modify some parameters in the designer. In common properties for the lblresult i am supposed to enter " " blanc character in the text field, but instead of the icon being blank it still says lblresult. I even tried not putting anything at all and it still says lblresult. Am i doing something wrong?

Sorry i think this belongs in another section on the forum. Can a mod move it?
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Longtime User
Seem like you have write lblresult on a wrong properties. Delete and run to see if it is still showing.

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Thanks for the replies. I did get it to work by adding "" and pressing space. I have another problem at the moment. Ive compared the codes that i put to the codes that the guide provides for the math trainer and its all the same. When i run the app everything works fine but when i press on a number i cant see it on the lblresult view. It's just a white box and no number shows up. I can even press on a wrong answer and it wont tell me its wrong it will just go to another math problem. I've also tried to run the code from the guide and it gives me an error whenever i try to press a number to answer the problem.
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So it seems i was missing some codes and i've added them now. Everything works fine until i decided to press on a number and then i get an error saying No result entered.
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