Hello all!
I want to reproduce a problem that I couldn't solve or explain.
Since yesterday I am not able to understand why this problem doesn't go away.
It is about the customlistview example by Erel, that I modified but had some runtime problems after the modification.
the example is published here:
Any volunteer need to be working on Windows 8.1 and b4a 3.82
The result is shown on the attached secreenshot that was posted with the example.
What I need you guys to help me with is:
1- The example has two lsv1 and lsv3.. please remove lsv1
2- remove any reference to the lsv1 and to the buttons.
3- make sure there is no view in the bal file (abstract designer) that's referenced anywhere in the code window.
3- delete the bal file
4- uncomment the Activity.Loadlayout line from activity create.
Compile and run the App.
My results are:
It compiled and run without any problem, but when worked on it:
1- I Checked one checkview.. the view was checked (True)
2- but immediately thereafter, a message comes up saying layout file should be loaded.
3- I can check as many views as I wish, but each time this annoying message comes up.
4- the message in (3) above replaced the normal msgbox that supposed to pop-up each time
and say "Item..... is checked" or something like that.
Note in the attached image the check boxes that I checked are showing checked.
Thank you in advance!