this change in the new versions of the Android, I need to change the
custom toast message.
I created the code below - based in
ShowCustomToast with BCToast - that I can call of any activity (I have several apps made only for Android, with several activities and, at the moment, is not a option to migrate to B4XPages, that I use only in new projects), but I get this issue:
- If I show the BCToast in a panel and the user close the panel, before the toast disapears, if I open the panel, the toast still there.
How can I hide/release the toast, if it don't disapears automatically?
Thanks in advance for any tip.
Sub ShowCustomToast(act As Activity, txt As Object, LongDuration As Boolean, BackgroundColor As Int, TxtColor As Int)
Private toast As BCToast
Dim duration As Int
If LongDuration Then duration = 4000 Else duration = 2000
toast.DurationMs = duration
toast.DefaultTextColor = TxtColor
toast.pnl.Color = BackgroundColor
End Sub