This sounds weird, but is there a way to hide a toastmessage? For example, I have a screen that when opened will display a toastmessage with long duration. However, if the user backs out of the screen or clicks to another screen, I would like to immediately hide that toastmessage. Basically something like ProgressDialogHide but for ToastMessages.
I saw in the CustomToast library that it allows you to set custom duration, but this won't really work for me.
Erel, I know but it seems that it does not work with duration as Int in the initialize method. I have tried that already. Please see attached. It is still 3' (long) and 2' (short) :sign0104:
Your ToastMessage Class is perfect and I am using it in my projects. Thank you very much for having shared that. I appreciate.
The only issue with me is I am in need with a more "natural" toast message which can display even out from its main app. It means it can display even on the screen even during the phone call. Let say I want to write an app where I can post some information to the user during the call, the toast has to work in this condition.
Your ToastMessage is perfectly customized but it can make the show only in its app, when the call screen is coming the main app goes to background and so the toast will disappear.
I have written a post to you in that thread but you did not read :