Hello everyone
Here is a small library to convert Gregorian date to Hijri (Islamic) calendar and vice versa.
The result is a list of day,month,year,name of month
Please note that this library does some calculations to convert to Hijri and vice versa so results can differ from real date (Usually one day earlier or one day later )
Author: SMM
Version: 0.01
Here is a small library to convert Gregorian date to Hijri (Islamic) calendar and vice versa.
The result is a list of day,month,year,name of month
Please note that this library does some calculations to convert to Hijri and vice versa so results can differ from real date (Usually one day earlier or one day later )
Author: SMM
Version: 0.01
- HijriConverter
Methods:- GregorianToHijri (Year As Int, Month As Int, Day As Int) As List
Returns Hijri date as a list
This library just does some calculation that sometimes differ from real moon-related calendar - HijriToGregorian (Year As String, Month As String, Day As Int) As List
- TodayGregorianToHijri As List
Quick way for getting today's Hijri date
- GregorianToHijri (Year As Int, Month As Int, Day As Int) As List