I have a Tabhost with 10 tabs. On each tab I have a panel that contains different controls on them. I do it this way because it's easier to center the panel in the app. On tab 6 the panel contains 24 checkboxes. How can I loop through these checkboxes to see if any of them are checked? Also, is it possible to determine which are checked?
Something like this should do it, I haven't tested it as I don't have a similar project. To keep track of which items are selected you'll need to use the Tag field.
Dim JO As JavaObject = TabHostName
For i = 0 To JO.RunMethod("getChildCount",Null)-1
Dim V As View = JO.RunMethod("getChildAt",Array As Object(i))
If V is CheckBox Then
Dim CB As CheckBox = V
If CB.Selected Then
If CB.Tag = "1" Then
'Do whatever
End if
End If
End If
Alternatively, you could use the CheckBox callback routine and monitor the checkboxes directly. If CBArray() is a global variable and you have numbered the tags 0-however many.
CB is the eventname you've given to all of the checkboxes you want to monitor.
Sub CB_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
Dim CBox As CheckBox = Sender
CBArray(CBox.Tag) = Checked
End Sub
I guess I'm doing something wrong. I don't see how I set this to only loop through the checkboxes located on the panel that is in Tab 6.
Also, it's checking for the checkbox tag to equal 1, but how/where is this being set?
When it goes through the first time, and it interrogates the "If V is Checkbox then" it is showing V (LinearLayout): Layout not available. Then it drops out of the loop and exits the sub.
Sorry, I copied the wrong subroutine from one of my progs. The attached file has a working setup (I tested it this time). You'll need to set up the tags, however you created the views, panels and checkboxes will need to be tagged.