How do I scan multiple barcodes in one shot


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I use ABZing then

myABBarcode.ABGetBarcode("myabbarcode", "")

to capture a barcode. But I need to scan barcodes one by one.

Is there a way I could capture multiple barcodes in one shot?

Roger Garstang

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Sounds like you want RFID. Usually Barcodes are one at a time unless you write your own image processor to scan multiple. Might be a way to process the camera image and break it up yourself either by determining where barcodes are or with some type of coordinate division and feed each image/piece to a barcode library to scan and get the results one after another in code...haven't seen this, but could be interesting.
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Might be a way to process the camera image and break it up yourself either by determining where barcodes are or with some type of coordinate division and feed each image/piece to a barcode library to scan and get the results one after another in code...haven't seen this, but could be interesting.

Yes that is what I want if there is a library already :sign0060:
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