Hi there...
Don't Forget... This is a Windows Solution
Well I am sure for those need such a solution, this will help... until now I was using the Registry lib of hatzisn (simple and solid)... but when the .lnk or the standalone exe has Administrator Rights or RunAS Administrator - it will just pass our registry trick without running...
So the only solution (simple and solid) found is this and I am sharing you with you gus:
You can use it like this:
Don't Forget... This is a Windows Solution
Well I am sure for those need such a solution, this will help... until now I was using the Registry lib of hatzisn (simple and solid)... but when the .lnk or the standalone exe has Administrator Rights or RunAS Administrator - it will just pass our registry trick without running...
So the only solution (simple and solid) found is this and I am sharing you with you gus:
Sub AddElevatedAppToTasks(TaskFolderAndNameofApp As String,apppath As String)
Dim t1 As String=sys32run("schtasks.exe",Array("/create","/SC","ONLOGON","/TN",QUOTE & TaskFolderAndNameofApp & QUOTE,"/TR",QUOTE & apppath & QUOTE,"/RL","HIGHEST"))
End Sub
Sub DeleteElevatedAppFromTasks(TaskFolderAndNameofApp As String)
Dim t1 As String=sys32run("schtasks.exe",Array("/delete","/TN",QUOTE & TaskFolderAndNameofApp & QUOTE,"/f"))
End Sub
Sub sys32run(app As String,params As List) As String
Dim js As Shell
js.Initialize("js", app, params)
'If Main.ShellEncoding.Length>0 Then js.Encoding=Main.ShellEncoding
Dim string1 As ShellSyncResult
Dim string2 As String
Return string2
End Sub
You can use it like this:
' This will add the app at Tasks with the name of exe produced by b4jpackager !
AddElevatedAppToTasks("Magma\mSupport",File.GetFileParent(File.DirApp) & "\" & "msupport.exe")
'This will remove it from Tasks...
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